We are in this together

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Authors note: first of all, I want to say sorry that I haven't posted on this book in over a year. It doesn't help that Taylor Kinney AKA Kelly took a leave of absence from the show so he wasn't in much of the episodes after the winter premiere was in maybe one or two more after and besides, there wasn't much more of Stella and Kelly stuff to put into a chapter so my bad also thank God the writer and actor strikes were over because we can finally have our shows back. The episode was good in my opinion. Hopefully I can do this chapter justice it's been a while. Tell me how you like it and then thank you.

General pov; it's been six months since Stella decided she wasn't going to wait forever for her husband to come home so she decided to go and get him and bring him back home which she did, also it's been six months since Mouch got hurt right now it's the morning of shift and Stella is taking a shower before heading into work when all of a sudden Kelly starts to come into the shower,

S= who invited you in here
K= you want me to go?

Stella didn't answer him, but she did push him back against the shower wall and they had a pretty steamy shower sex wipe before work about two hours later they just got done with a call and pretty much everybody is in the kitchen eating lunch or making lunch

S= now that Mouch is back we got the perfect vibe going on truck this combo is a winner
SC= I agree, smooth as silk on the delivery van fire
H= that's great and all but don't forget you have winter for two weeks between gallo  leaving and Mouch coming back, and then you got to find a floater
S= we'll see think it over
SC= not bad idea
DR= did you see the look on Herman's face? He was not happy.
CZ= thats trouble
SC= what
CZ= I was caught between two tenants when Casey and severide we're angling for me, disaster but you can't pick without someone getting offended
DR= thanks Cruz that was very helpful
CZ= but if you just sit back, let the lieutenants battle it out eventually a winner will emerge, and then you won't have to pick at all. You'll thank me later.

Now that everyone's back, Kelly is trying to clean his jacket from the fire earlier

LL= Man, that smells same exact one filled the air during the fire at our house
K= it's strong I can't get the damn smell off my jacket. I had this crazy call at the Franklin overpass delivery truck exploded fire spread fast black purple smoke everywhere. It was a wild one.
LL= the fire at our house had purple smoke too just like you're describing

In that moment, Kelly realized maybe we should investigate it because it seems weird, so he brings lieutenant Leclerx and Stella into the briefing room so they can go over everything

K= take us through it do you wanna start
LL= we were sitting in our common area you know lunch about to come out of the oven alarm comes in for Bart units and and engine fire over near wrigley We pull out we're going down Sheffield about three minutes on the road Gina she's our admin assistant call us in a panic. There was an explosion in the kitchen.
S= and that's when you turn around
LL= yeah as soon as we pull up, we can see the whole place is rolling we figured someone left the oven on since we were cooking in it. Even though no one copped to it.
K= you didn't think the purple smoke was strange
LL= a box of chemical supplies had just been delivered. It was sitting right there on the counter near the stove. We thought the chemicals overheated and that's what caused the explosion now I'm not sure.
K= OK thanks Lieutenant ( he leaves)
S= you think the two fires are connected
K= I do yes and I want to look into it
S= you don't think if I can handle it
K= I'll bring it to Vanmeter for help, but it could only be a matter of time before another bomb goes off. We need to move fast and Ofi doesn't have the firsthand knowledge I do.
S= I get that
K= if you don't want me to do this, I won't we can go back to never talking about arson, pretending everything is normal
S= don't act like this is some random rule that I laid out Kelly I basically had to fly to Alabama put you in handcuffs and drag you home you get so caught up in these arson cases it's like a drug I didn't even know where you were on that last case and it's taken six months for us to even try and build back any kind of real  trust
K= you know how sorry I am for that but it's not going to happen with this case I'm here so are you were in it together I have a gut feeling this could be big Stella and a lot of lives can be at steak
S= go solve it then

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