A New Galaxy Awaits

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Hera rushed into the cockpit, grumbling something about Kanan and this girl. She walked past Zeb, Sabine, and Ezra and sat in her pilot seat. She flipped some switches as she kept a small frown of disapproval in the corner of her mouth. The captain broke out of the Moon's orbit and took off away from the lonely blue planet and its dusty moon, heading towards anywhere else.

Sabine, Zeb, and Ezra shared a wide-eyed look. Hera was mad. Not good. They took their seats and prepared for travel. They watched as Hera angrily looked over the control panel.

"So...how's Athena? Will she be okay?" Ezra asked, trying to break up the angry silence brought upon by his captain.

"She's fine. I'm going to try and jump into hyperspace and see if it'll take us back to our galaxy. My coordinate system is almost fully rebooted," Hera said. "We'll get her treated at the fleet. Those were some nasty hits she took."

"Earth blasters are brutal," Sabine said. "They aren't armed with energy like our blasters. Their ammo is metal that tears through the flesh. I heard that sometimes the ammo gets stuck in them and causes an infection that kills them slowly."

"The bullets passed," Hera said. "The entry points seemed to be a lot smaller than the exit wounds. She lost a lot of blood. She'll be lucky to live if we make it back to the fleet quick enough. The kid looked beaten and bruised and starved even before she took those hits."

"So, what's this kid like?" Zeb questioned. "She's not another Ezra, is she?"

Sabine shrugged, "Kinda. I think she'll fit in well."

"So, we're keeping her?" Zeb questioned.

"We can't just take an Earthling kid and expect her to stay, guys," Hera said. "Earthlings don't even do space travel to their moon all that much. She'll freak out once she sees all of this technology. And us-" Hera nodded to Zeb. "-but, your great Jedi leader thinks that she's Force-sensitive. So, he wants to keep the kid."

"She said she wanted to go with us, anyway," Sabine said. "She doesn't have anyone or anything."

"Did you tell her where exactly you would be taking her?" Hera questioned sarcastically. "I doubt she believed you if you did."

"She already knew we weren't from Earth," Ezra said. "She noticed how clueless we were on Earth and knew we weren't from there. She thought we were from the Moon."

Hera rolled her eyes and looked back to the control panel. The coordinate systems progress bar freezing at 98%. They couldn't do a hyperspace jump without knowing what direction they're going. She had no idea what asteroid belts there were out here. What black holes. What stars. What planets. This was a new galaxy. Unknown and more unexplored than the Unknown Regions in her galaxy. Wild Space.

"Come on!" She hit the screen in frustration. "Work!"

Kanan sat next to the head of the injured girl laying on the curved orange couch. Her breaths were shallow. Her face was almost colorless. Kanan put his finger just under her chin and felt her rapid heart rate. She was fighting so hard. Sweat dripped off her face and she let out the occasional soft grunt or groan. At least she was still alive.

That little light in her continued to flicker.

He wondered why she was perceived that way in the Force. Why did it feel like he was next to a fire of light when a deep shadow clung onto her at every minute?

She even smelled like fire. Toxic smoke. Kanan sniffed the air a couple of times, wondering why the kid smelled like tar and poisonous fumes. The stench clung to her body. Maybe, he thought, it was because she lived in what looked like an industrial area. But, Cleveland didn't have that strong of a stench of smoke.

The New Girl from Earth - REWRITE (a Star Wars Rebel story)Where stories live. Discover now