Iridescent eyes

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It was late at night now, a bright moon illuminating some portions of the ground and a couple stars shining above the trees. The Earth was cold and wet from previous rain showers, birds and bugs chirping and buzzing now more than ever. Kanan sat in the cave still, doing his best to meditate the cold away, putting mind over matter. It was to barely any use. This planet was too cold, too dark, too lonely.

He looked over the fire to see Athena asleep, her body in a tight fetal position, her arms crossed over her chest in a X - as if she were trying to hug the warmth back into herself. Her body shivered every once and awhile, but not to the point where he was convinced that this was her first time sleeping out in the cold wilderness.

Being close enough to Athena, he could now sense everything around them as if he were back in his galaxy. He could sense the life scurrying on the ground and the birds soaring overhead. But, he did his best to block it all out. Though that beautiful feeling of life thriving on this planet warmed his heart, the darkness he sensed on this planet chilled his bones to the core.

Kanan really wasn't one to believe in ghosts and ghouls and demons - it wasn't a part of his Jedi teachings. However, this planet made him reconsider that. Something was lurking around them. Something dark and menacing.

Kanan hadn't gone to Mortis like Ahsoka had, but if he had to guess, Earth probably gave off a similar sensation within the Force. Nothing was right here.

It would make sense if they had entrapped Abeloth here.

It wouldn't make sense that Abeloth would choose a girl with such a bright light burning within her. Abeloth was supposed to be nothing but darkness and chaos and this kid couldn't be interpreted as anything other than light - a fire.

Kanan would have fallen asleep much sooner if he wasn't shaken up by every movement nature would make around them. Nature was beautiful and calming on every other planet. This planet was beautiful, but anything but calming.

It had only felt like two minutes ago Kanan had shut his eyes when Athena shook him awake.

He saw the pile of wood was burnt down to ash and the sunlight was peaking through the trees just outside of the cave.

They emerged into the forest, soon trekking even further away from where they had begun their harrowing trip. Kanan tried his com just to see if by any miracle it would work; it did not. They were in another galaxy for the love of Force.

These two had nothing on them. No food. No water. No maps. Nothing. It was just the clothes on their backs, Kanan's lightsaber and useless com. Kanan let out a heavy sigh when he realized he had left his blaster on the Ghost before the whole Jalo fiasco occurred. At least Jalo didn't get the chance to take that from him.

As Athena whacked another branch away from their path, Kanan just behind her, she spoke.

"Hey, don't tell the others about that whole crying thing back there, okay?" Athena had a gruff voice. "I had a lot of weird emotions going on at once back there."

"It's alright. You know it's-"

She spoke in a little more of a serious tone, "Just don't. Don't say anything to anyone about that. Please?"

"Alright, I won't," Kanan assured.

The two were mostly silent for the rest of their hike into the unknown wilderness. As Athena scanned the forest a little better, she figured that they were in the North American region, having seen a bald eagle soar above them once.

"We're at least near my country," Athena said. "Or in it. I'm not sure. That could've been a secret American base in Canada or something."

"How can you tell?"

The New Girl from Earth - REWRITE (a Star Wars Rebel story)Where stories live. Discover now