Second Brother

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It took a blaster shot to the lock on the doors in order for the rebels to get into the hall that Ezra and Ahsoka still lied unconscious in. Holding their breaths, Sabine and Hera dragged the two out of the hall. They shut the door after they got out, knowing that the gas was still prominent in the air.

Hours later, Ahsoka woke with a horrendous headache in the med bay. She shook her head and sat up, seeing Ezra one bed down, still unconscious. He was closer to the initial gas release point, so the effects would be a little stronger on him. Ahsoka then saw Hera sitting beside her bedside, a worried look on her face. The pilot lit up as soon as she saw her wake up.

"What- what happened?" Ahsoka rubbed her head and coughed, the remnants of the gas still scratching her throat.

"They're gone," Hera had cold stone eyes as she looked to Ahsoka, standing next to her bedside now. "Kanan and Athena. That Inquisitor took them."

Not long after that, Ahsoka could be found on the command deck, scouring every resource for information on Inquisitors once the power was restored. Something wasn't right about this whole thing. First, that Inquisitor didn't have an Imperial ship. Second, they didn't kill anyone - Inquisitors usually have no hesitation to kill anyone. Third, he only took Kanan and Athena - leaving her and Ezra in that hall - two highly sought out Rebel criminals, left there. Why only Athena and Kanan?

Ezra approached the round tactical table Ahsoka stood at, scanning her eyes at any information she could pull up about any Inquisitor she could find. The togruta turned to the boy Padawan.

"I see you are doing better," Ahsoka said.

"Kinda," Ezra had a little bit of hoarseness in his voice. "Have you gotten any leads about where Kanan and Athena are?"

She turned back to the tactical table, a small frown on her mouth, "I haven't found anything yet. I don't have much to go off of."

"He said he knew Athena's mom," Ezra said. "I remember that before passing out. Their birth-name was Dume if that helps."

"That might give us something," Ahsoka contemplated, beginning to type. She was wide eyed when she got an interesting report. Looking up criminal reports for 'Dume' produced just what she needed. "Cyla Dume, wanted enemy of the Empire..."

"It says here an Inquisitor was sent after her. Second Brother," Ezra pointed to the words on the hologram. "It says he failed his mission and she was later killed by Vader."

"Second Brother..." Ahsoka mumbled. "That might be who we're looking for." she typed some more. Another old report from the Empire popped up.

"Second Brother - defected from the Inquisitorious?" Ezra was wide-eyed. "They can do that?"

Ahsoka shook her head, "This would make sense. If he defected from the Empire, that means he wouldn't have an Imperial ship." she scrolled through the document some more, eventually finding two images of this Second Brother. One with his helmet on, the same helmet he wore during the kidnapping. The other was of his face.

He had mean eyes, blond hair, sparse freckles across his face, and was in his forties - may early fifties. Ezra recognized him immediately from Earth.

"That's the same guy we saw on Earth!" Ezra was astonished. "He saw Sabine, Kanan, and me in a restaurant on Earth. Athena said she had a feeling he was following her."

"He must have been," Ahsoka had careful eyes as she scanned over the document some more. "This may be a form of revenge. Second Brother failed to kill their mother, so now he wants to show that he is capable of killing a Dume."

"Maybe...maybe that's not it," Ezra pondered.

Ahsoka and Ezra turned to see the rest of the Ghost crew and Rex entering the command deck. Hera spoke first.

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