I Know the Streets, Not the Stars

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In a ship miles away, an angry man dusted off the remnants of ice off himself, grumbling and swearing under his breath. He met with the people wearing green camo on this American base, being told that the Dumes escaped almost twenty-four hours ago.

He was furious no one bothered to tell him, let alone wake him up and free him.

The man with mean eyes then spent the next few hours going through some Earth-style datapads they had given to him, scrolling through what info they had collected about the Dumes.

Then, a video popped up.

Las Vegas, Nevada.

The little Dume girl with messy hair and balls of fire circling in her hands, juggling them in mid-air. Her eyes burning with a joyous light as curious people surrounded her, recording the spectacle.

Then, he saw a girl with dark, wavy hair. Her skin the color of glowing gold.


His old Apprentice.

He couldn't help but to look past the girl with fire in her hands and at the girl with dark hair standing in the crowd. The child he once swore to protect from the Empire - hiding her away from the Inquisitorious that would have turned her into what he once was. A monster. A pawn of the dark side.

It broke his heart when she left him for Luminara - but it was for the best. Luminara would be able to teach her much better than he ever could.

Now, she was near the one person in the universe who could easily destroy it.

It wasn't "Athena's" fault. She didn't choose to be a Dume. She didn't choose to be the child of a former Jedi. She didn't choose to be born on Earth. She didn't choose to be Abeloth's host.

Now, Jalo had to choose.

He had to choose to put a stop to this.

Suddenly, a sharp pain rang in his head so hard, he had to grip his forehead.

It was over in a second, but when it was, Jalo couldn't help but laugh. It was like he could sense everything again - well, not everything. Just the three Jedi, still in Nevada. But, they were everything to him right now.

He turned on his ship and lifted up, now knowing exactly where to fly.

Kanan clung onto the handle above his head and Rae clawed onto the back of the headrests, the tires of the car let out an unholy screech as a car horn blasted from a nearby car. Athena straightened out the vehicle and continued down the highway, heading north now.

"Alright, I still got it," Athena nodded with pride and relief. "Haven't gotten a scratch yet."

"You're gonna get us killed," Kanan stated, still clinging onto the handle. "Who taught you to drive?"

"Foster siblings," Athena shrugged. "Real crackhead type of crap. But, it was fun."

"I thought Hera's flying was nerve-racking," Kanan let out a sigh.

"Please just don't cut off anymore people, that guy is still giving us a rude gesture," Rae glanced back from the back window.

Kanan saw it in the mirror and turned to Athena, "What does that even mean? Is that an Earth thing?'

"Oh the middle finger?" Athena asked. "It means 'f*ck you'."

"What does that mean?" Kanan questioned.

"It Earths equivalent to kriff," Rae explained.

Kanan palmed his face, "I hate this place."

"It hates you too," Athena assured. "Trust me, Earth hates its own - let alone others."

The New Girl from Earth - REWRITE (a Star Wars Rebel story)Where stories live. Discover now