You're Jedi!

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"You're Jedi!"

"And you are?" Athena was wide-eyed at the person with the hand on her shoulder. It was a girl, somewhere near her age, maybe a little older. The girl seemed ecstatic to come in contact with these two.

"My name is Rachelle. But you can call me Rae," she took her hand away. The girl moved quickly so she stood in front of the bench Athena and Kanan sat on. The two siblings turned to face her, eyes skeptical.

"How- are you an Earthling?" Kanan questioned.

"No, I'm from your galaxy," the girl named Rae said, her eyes gleaming with joy. It was like she had found an oasis in the middle of a desert. "I'm not from here at all."

Athena scanned her eyes over the girl. She looked a little taller than her, maybe a little taller than Ezra. She wore a white dress with gray stretch pants underneath, brown boots on her feet. This kid may have on Earth clothes, but she didn't coordinate like one. She had a black and purple bookbag slung over her shoulder. Her hair was wavy and dark, tied off in a ponytail resting on her shoulder. Her skin had a golden glow; dark yet bright.

"Is that a bracelet made from a holocron?" she chuckled in astonishment, pointing to Athena's wrist.

Athena hadn't even noticed the bracelet her mother had given her was glowing now. The blonde girl twisted her wrist to examine her teal bracelet glowing brighter than usual.

"You know about holocrons?" Kanan questioned.

She nodded, "Yeah. I'm a Jedi- well, Jedi Padawan." she shrugged. "I haven't finished my training, exactly."

"How - how'd you know we were Jedi?" Athena questioned.

"I have no idea how, but as soon as I got near you two, it's like I could sense things again," she started. "This planet is insane. I got sucked into a wormhole and sent here - the planet no Jedi nor Sith can use the Force on. Then - you!" Rae grabbed Athena's hand, examining it with interest. "You can use the Force! You can spit fire out of the palm of your hand! How do you do it? Who's your Master?"


"Who's yours?" Kanan skeptically questioned, raising an eyebrow at the kid.

Suddenly the girl's bright and cheerful face drained of all color. Her bright light of joy dimmed as she glanced to the ground, speaking in a suddenly solemn voice. "My Master...was Luminara Unduli. She-" she let out a sigh. "We were attacked by the Empire and...they captured her. I barely made it out alive."

Athena retracted her hand from the girl's grasp. She scanned her eyes around them, seeing people walking all around them. This was not a subject to be discussed so widely in public. "Let's talk somewhere else. Maybe buy some food, I'm starving."

"I know a place," the girl with dark curls said, still a little down in comparison to twenty-seconds ago. "I've been in this town for about six months now."

Athena and Kanan shared an unsure glace. Athena stood, then Kanan. They cautiously followed the girl a little down the road, just past the CVS store, to rows of small-stores. The roofs of some were multi-color, covered with a range of colorful hexagons. It looked like something Sabine would paint all over the Ghost.

The girl in white led them to a little green and yellow sub shop.


The girl in white bought them a couple half-sized subs and bought herself one as well. They sat at a table right outside of the store, an umbrella casting a shadow of protection over them - giving them some rest from the burning sun.

The New Girl from Earth - REWRITE (a Star Wars Rebel story)Where stories live. Discover now