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Sabine was the one to show her the shower in the Ghost, giving the girl a tour of the Ghost after she had found her sitting on the couch, staring intensely at a piece of paper. The Mandalorian had just washed out her temporary brown hair dye, revealing her bright blue hair. Athena entrusted the Mandalorian with her bag as she took a shower, taking in just her extra clothes and a towel.

As Sabine stood in the hall next to the door and the girl's bag, she crinkled her nose as she couldn't get rid of that tar smell that clung to the girl's backpack. Her spray-paints didn't even smell that bad.

The girl looked up when Athena finally got done with her shower, her wet hair combed back into a ponytail as she wore a green tank top and black pants now. Sabine let out a little chuckle as she saw the girl with that look.

"Hey, stop copying Kanan's style," Sabine joked. "With your hair wet, it looks just like his."

Athena rolled her eyes as she took her dirty clothes and stuffed them into the bag she had asked Sabine to watch over for the moment. "It'll dry soon enough."

"Oh my Force, the others got to see this," Sabine laughed. "You even got the same shirt color!"

Athena smiled and rolled her eyes again as she put on her backpack. Sabine led her to the common room where Zeb and Ezra picked up Sabacc again. Sabine put both hands on the girl's shoulders as she stood a little behind and to the side of her.

"Guys look! It's a mini Kanan!" Sabine joked. "It's like a tiny impersonator."

Ezra laughed a little, "Hey, it really is! Quick, say something Kanan would say!"

Athena blinked a couple of times, "I met him this morning, how the hell am I supposed to know what the guy would say?"

"Ha!" Zeb laughed. "Kanan would say somethin' like that too!"

"All she needs is a little facial hair!" Sabine chuckled. She turned to meet Athena's eyes. "Look! I think she's got just about the same eye color too!"

Ezra laid down his cards, stood, and looked at the girl's eyes, her now getting uncomfortable once again as everyone was getting so close. Zeb even got up to get a closer look at the kid.

"Well, at least she doesn't have his ugly eyebrows," Ezra commented, just a few inches from the wide eyes of the girl.

"Or as big of a nose," Zeb said. "But almost everything else is about spot on, except more girly."

"You guys sure like to get close, huh?" Athena remarked.

"We're family!" Sabine held the girl a little closer in a jokingly loving manner. "You get used to it!"

"That guy is super tall, I'm tiny," Athena nervously chuckled. "And I'm blonde. My hair is dark for now because it's wet."

Sabine turned towards the doors of the common room as Hera and Kanan entered. She turned Athena to face them with a smile on her face as she displayed the kid. "Kanan, look! We found the girl version of you! She's a mini you!"

"I am highly uncomfortable right now," Athena said. "Does anyone care? No? Just me?"

Hera and Kanan shared a nervous glance. They turned to the girl and let out a nervous chuckle.

"Huh, yeah she kinda does look like me," Kanan said.

"I am tiny and blonde," Athena stated. "Why is no one listening to me?"

Hera gently grabbed onto the girl and placed her next to Kanan, comparing their drastic height difference - Athena not even to his shoulder. The pilot had to chuckle a little as she saw the similarities. The dark hair. The teal eyes. The widow's peak in their hair. The green shirts.

The New Girl from Earth - REWRITE (a Star Wars Rebel story)Where stories live. Discover now