Blood of the Fallen

776 18 30

Mild warning: mention of injury/blood. Doesn't get gory, but it's best to warn you guys just in case.

The girl in dark clothing continued to lead them around the market, getting a few nuts, some bread, a couple of snack foods, and a little meat. The group was no help, however. Every time she asked their preference, they kept saying that she got to choose. They put most of their stuff in Ezra's satchel and Athena's backpack. Then she led them down the vegetable and fruit aisles of an L-shaped building right next to the main Market building. They were wide-eyed at the sight they beheld.

Lines and layers of neatly stacked fruits of all sorts of colors and shapes. Pieces of paper strung on string overhead of each stack, informing the buyer of the price and name of the fruit or vegetable. Athena continued to pry some kind of opinion of food from these people, but each time was met with the same thing.

"It doesn't matter. You probably know better than us."

Finally, she thought of a plan to get them to start picking some produce. As she held up a pear in one hand, a peach in the other, she questioned the group. "Okay. Which one? Peach or pear?"


"Pick! For the love of Christ! Pick!" Athena snapped. "Have an opinion!"

"Uh, this one," Kanan pointed to the pear.

"What's it called?" Athena questioned, holding up the pear a little higher. As more and more people bustled through the market, the four were forced to condense a little and stand close to one another.

"A peach," Ezra figured that he had a 50/50 shot anyhow.

The market worker even rolled their eyes with Athena.

"You guys can't be from this planet. That, or you guys are really messin' with me," she grumbled.

The girl picked up a couple of pears and soon exchanged money with the man who shared that previous eye roll with her.

"You look like you're having fun," the worker commented as he rang up the purchase.

"You don't know the half of it," Athena huffed. "I think I accidentally got myself abducted by aliens from outer space."

Kanan, Sabine, and Ezra shared a look. Well, they thought, at least the news won't be as jarring to her.

The girl waved for them to follow as she finished putting the pears in her backpack and Ezra's satchel. They followed her out of the building and out to the sidewalk. They crossed the street and walked to the previously mentioned Family Dollar. Athena quickly put her hoodie back on before they entered the store. She knew they were running low on cash, so maybe she could snag a couple of things in secret. Maybe she could get some cigarettes again.

She didn't want these guys to know about her habits. Her stealing. But, that's who she was. It's all she knew.

Since the store was small enough and near empty, they split up for the moment, mostly perusing around. This store had just opened, it now being 8 AM - meaning they spent about an hour in the West Side Market. It was like they were hitting every spot the very second they opened, and boy was this girl good at it.

When she passed by the front counter, the girl in the black hoodie glanced over to see an old man purchasing some cigarettes, the cashier had just gotten a couple of boxes out of the case for him to view better.


She pretended to look at the candy bars right next to him as he looked over the packets of cigarettes, putting a hand on his chin.

The New Girl from Earth - REWRITE (a Star Wars Rebel story)Where stories live. Discover now