In a Galaxy Far, Far Away

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"Lord Vader," the menacing voice of Sidious crackled over the hologram displayed in a dark room. The machine who was once a man kneeled in its presence, his mechanical breaths filling the momentary silence.

"Yes, Master."

"There has been a great disturbance in the Force," Darth Sidious spoke with what seemed to be a displeased voice. Tense. Worried.

"I have felt it as well, Master," Darth Vader replied, looking up to the hologram of his Master now. "It is strong, indeed."

"...The Mortis Gods. They have awakened."

"Anakin Skywalker killed the Mortis Gods many years ago, my Lord," Vader said.

"Another has come into play," Sidious warned. "Newer. Fresher. Stronger. A One to emerge from the ashes left behind by the Gods before her."

"Who is this new being?"

"Dume..." he spoke with a distaste in his mouth. "The one you had failed to locate on Earth nearly fourteen years ago. Syla Dume, the daughter of Cyla Dume."

"Abeloth should have consumed the child by now, my Lord," Vader looked down again, knowing to not look his Master in the eyes when disagreeing in the slightest. "Cyla Dume was a fool for-"

"The child was not consumed by Abeloth, but rather the opposite. The child, she had fed off Abeloth since the day she was born," Sidious spoke overtop of Vader. "She has filled herself with Darkness since the day she was born. She is destined to become a weapon of Darkness."

"What does this mean, my Lord?"

"That she is the very weapon that the Empire has strived for since its creation. With the essence of Abeloth filling her and the blood of a Jedi and an Inquisitor in her veins, she will prove invaluable to our cause," the Sith lord said. "I want you to hunt her down. I will not let this opportunity slip out of my grasp."

"Shall I dispatch an Inquisitor to hunt her down?"

"No." he spoke. "I want no mistakes on collecting this child. I am ordering you, Lord Vader, to personally hunt her down. I want her...alive."

"It will be done, my Lord."


"They're on Earth!" Ezra sprinted out of his cabin, not caring if he woke Zeb or not. It was the middle of this night now for them, meaning just about everyone was asleep. The Padawan began banging on Hera's cabin door as he shouted in glee. "They're on Earth! They're on Earth!"

Hera opened her door, bags under her eyes and a yawn in her voice. "Wha- what are you talking about, Ezra?"

Zeb let out an angry growl as he opened the door of his cabin. "What is all this about? I want some sleep!"

"Athena and Kanan! They're on Earth!" Ezra cheered. "I-I had a vision! They're on Earth!"

"What?" Sabine questioned as she groggily opened her door as well, questioning what was going on this late at night.

"Wait Ezra, are you sure?" Hera was wide awake now, hearing that news.

"Yes!" Ezra smiled, confidence in his voice. "I know it!"

They turned their heads to see Ahsoka entering the halls of the Ghost, her eyes wide.

"Ezra, did you sense that?" she questioned urgently.

"Yes!" Ezra cheered.

"Ahsoka, you sensed it too?" Hera questioned, looking to the togruta for answers.

She nodded, "They're alive. They're on Earth."

"They're on Earth?" Sabine was wide-eyed. "How?We couldn't get there on purpose even if we wanted to! The space around it is crazy!"

"We're going to have to try to go back," Hera said, looking around at her crew. "We just got Kanan back and we're not going to let him go; same with Athena. We're not letting her go when we know where she's at."

"Wait, so this Inquisitor brought them to Earth?" Zeb scratched his head. "How'd he do that? And did they escape?"

"We're going to find out," Hera looked around once more. "Everyone get ready. I'm going to tell Commander Sato we're going on a quick rescue-mission."

"I'll come too," Ahsoka spoke up. "This may be dangerous, especially considering we have Second Brother to worry about now."

"We're always happy to have you aboard, Commander," Hera smiled at Ahsoka.

The New Girl from Earth - REWRITE (a Star Wars Rebel story)Where stories live. Discover now