Grey Smoke, Red Blade

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Reality is a hard thing to accept, especially when you're young and you're whole reality just altered.

It's hard to accept that your reality is now a war field when you are just starting to finally feel loved by a new family.

It's hard to realize the war around you does not stay far away for long, no matter how much you want it to.

It's hard to accept that you just gave up one reality for another.

The group was on the command deck, discussing a new supply retrieval mission for the Ghost crew. Normal stuff. Avoid the Empire, get the supplies, bring them back to the fleet.

They didn't get to go on that mission.

It was a flash of light. A ship racing through the fleet. Red blasts coming from its guns. The A-wings flying to the defense, only to be shot down within seconds. The naval officer shouted to Sato.

"They took out our shields!"

Hera was about to run off to the Ghost, shouting, "I'll handle it."

Then the power shut down as the ship rocked. Each member of the crew was trying their best to stay on their feet. Darkness engulfed the ship, only sparse emergency lights were left on.

"Power is down!"

"Who is shooting at us?" Sato questioned. "Is it the Empire?"

"No, it looks like a civilian ship! Like a bounty hunter!" another officer on the front deck exclaimed.

"It may be a bounty hunter of the Empire," Ahsoka watched as the light freighter took out another ship. She knitted her eyebrows as she watched this. They didn't destroy the ship, only disabled it with a careful blast. The larger ships they took down with what seemed to be an electrical charge. The pilots were left alive. Ahsoka saw this pilot's skills as they dodged the rebel fire. They had skill, yet didn't kill. "They're not here to exactly kill. They're disabling every ship, not taking any kill strikes."

"Whoever it is, they aren't exactly here to be friends," Kanan said. "Let's get to the Ghost. Maybe we can shoot 'em down before they reveal our location to the Empire."

The command ship rocked again.

"All ships are disabled! The enemy has now docked to this command ship!" an officer cried out.

"What?" Sato was in disbelief. "I want all arms on this ship down to their docking port, now!"

So they rushed off to the docking port in the dark ship, arms ready. Athena had no weapon, so she grabbed a broomstick. Better than nothing.

As they were running through the halls of the ship, Hera commented, "Whoever this is, they sure got a lot of nerve trying to dock!"

"We don't know how many are in that ship, keep your guard up," Kanan advised the group. When they approached the docking port, Kanan froze. It was cold.

Kanan and Ahsoka were in the very front of the group of rebels, lightsabers out and ready. Ezra stood right behind the two, Athena next to him. Sato having split the forces up, the Force-sensitives were at the very front of the docking port; one half of the armed soldiers at the end of the hall, the other half on the other end. It was figured that they would be the best front line defense if this was an Inquisitor.

Athena was near trembling. She never fought in a war, let alone in outer space. She didn't know what to expect. It was only her second week here, and they put a thirteen year old on the front lines in a dark ship. She didn't even have a lightsaber. She had a broomstick.

"Kanan? Do you feel that? It's...cold," Ezra said.

"That's probably me," Athena admitted. "I can feel the ice on my toes now."

"Listen to your emotions, don't be consumed by them," Ahsoka advised her Padawan, not taking her eyes off the docking door. "Though, if you could freeze whoever this is in a block of ice, be my guest."

"I'll try my best," Athena let out a nervous chuckle.


The four flew away from the door like rag-dolls. Athena and Ezra slammed into the wall behind them. Ahsoka and Kanan flew down the hall, Kanan to the left and Ahsoka to the right. Smoke now poured into the hall.

Then, a blade.

Athena and Ezra were right in front of the lightsaber blade, only a couple feet from the door they were blasted away from. Air escaped their lungs on impact. Their bodies felt like empty shells. Worry filled that empty shell as they laid eyes on that red blade in front of them.

Ahsoka and Kanan eventually stopped their momentum from the blast, and looked up to see a glowing blade in the smoky air.

Knowing it was some sort of Inquisitor, Ahsoka and Kanan quickly stood to rush to the aide of their Padawans. They couldn't stand. Their heads felt like they were going to fall off their shoulders they were so dizzy. Sharp pains filled their throat and lungs.


Knowing the other rebels were in danger of the advancing gas, Ahsoka was quick to use the Force to shut the doors down the halls. She ignored the pounding in her head and on the doors, crying for her to get out of there.

Ezra and Athena didn't even comprehend that they weren't breathing now. All they saw was a man in black and dark green armor. A helmet on his head prevented the gas from entering his lungs. A horizontal line across his helmet glowing the same color as his lightsaber.

Blood red.

Athena looked down the hall to see Ahsoka clawing her way up to stand, coughing a fierce storm. The gray gas filling her lungs. It made Athena realize that this was an enemy. An enemy here to hurt them.

Her blood boiled. Flames engulfed her fists as she instinctively pointed them at the man in armor, broomstick sitting on the ground beside her.

Bad move. She didn't comprehend that they were surrounded by gas. Flammable gas.

A flash of orange engulfed her, Ezra, and the man with the red saber. The three let out a scream, flames erupting in a ball around them in a spark of fire. Ezra shielded himself with his arms, his orange sleeves now singed. The man stepped back, crossing his arms in front of him to guard himself from the flames.

He mumbled something and looked right at the girl after the ball of fire died. He spoke clearly for one sentence.

"You poor thing. You're just like your mother."

She glared at him for a moment more before she took in one last conscious breath. She kept staring at that red line on his helmet, where his eyes were, until she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. Ezra was out just after her.

Ahsoka stood now, gripping onto the wall for stability. Her eyes burned from the stinging gas around them. She reached her arm out to use the Force. The man seemed to laugh at her. He held his hand up, then flicked it, throwing her down with the Force. She didn't get back up. Her deactivated lightsabers clattered on the ground.

Kanan was barely on his knees now, using all of his might to stand up against the man. His lightsaber was still ignited in his hand. The man laughed again.

The man with the helmet flicked his hand again and Kanan's saber retracted back into its hilt. He strode over to the struggling Jedi, placing a hand on his chin, forcing him to look him in the eyes.

"And you. You look just like your parents. A spitting image."

Jalo placed his hand on Kanan's forehead for a moment until he felt him succumb to the knock-out gas. He grabbed the back of his shirt collar and began to drag him down the hall - not caring that Kanan's deactivated lightsaber was still in his hand; he knew he wasn't going to wake up for a while. He stopped and threw Athena over his shoulder, holding her legs down with the hand he wasn't dragging Kanan with.

Hera and Sato were near shouting now as they tried every override command on the doors. Nothing was working. They were getting away.

Then, they were gone.

The docking door closed and Kanan and Athena were gone with the ship that had attacked their fleet.

A dark cloud of gray covered the hall, Ezra and Ahsoka still lying unconscious on the floor - their outlines barely distinguishable now the smoke was so thick.

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