Food for Thought

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The cuffs refused to break, no matter how much pulling and tugging they did. The chains connected to the cuffs and the wall were only about half a meter long, limiting their movability. Kanan had normal cuffs, his fingers were able to stretch and wring; Athena's hands were completely encapsulated. Metal gauntlets encased her whole hands, forcing her hands to stay in place.

"Agh! I hate these stupid things!" Athena wiggled and churned as she sat there, hands behind her back. "My hands are getting sweaty and moist! Why did I get these stupid things while you get those things!"

Kanan pondered that for a moment. This kid had ice and fire powers - powers only known of by the Rebels. No way this guy just made those gauntlets the second he saw her use fire. He knew prior to their capture.

"Hey, hey, calm down," Kanan hushed. "Don't waste your energy on trying to break out of those chains. Right now isn't the right moment."

He knew that many surveillance cameras had audio, so he wanted to make sure not to explicitly share his true thoughts.

"My hands are sweaty!" she complained in an angered voice. "I hate this!"

She let out a yelp of pain.

"Ow! Ow!" she hissed. "Burned! Burned!"

"Don't use your fire powers in those," Kanan advised. "Fire isn't great on metal anyhow."

Athena paused, thinking on that. No way could she use fire in those gauntlets - her hands would be burned. Ice on the other hand...

Suddenly she remembered the movie "Frozen", a movie that was constantly on loop for her little foster siblings. These gauntlets were pretty similar to the one's the ice queen was restrained in. Maybe, just maybe...

"Let it go, I guess," Athena chuckled.

Kanan raised an eyebrow at the smirking kid - she seemed to figure a plan out all by herself. He didn't even get to make his comment about keeping a 'cool' head.

The door opened, the two Dumes turning to the man. He held two plates. He sat them down and used his foot to slide them over to the two. On the plates, some bread and a piece of fruit.

Athena gave the food a strange look and turned to the man. "What's your name?"

"Jalo," he started. "Jalo Hikra."

She nodded towards the plates in front of her and Kanan, "And how are we supposed to eat? Our hands are bound."

"Use the Force, Syla," Jalo said.

" do you know if I can use the Force or not?"

"It's genetic." Jalo sat on the same crate he had before. "I could bet big creds that you've been using the Force for a while now. You're able to shoot fire out of your hands, anyhow. By the way, better not try to use fire while in those cuffs. You'll get burned pretty bad."

So, one of their relatives were definitely Force-sensitive.

"Noted," she remarked. "So...if you don't mind me asking, where are you taking us?"

"To the planet where your mother died and you were born," the blond man said. "Earth."

"How are you even able to get to and from Earth? We were accidentally sucked into random wormholes to get there and back," Kanan asked.

"I have my ways," Jalo shrugged.

"Why are you taking us there?" Athena questioned.

"You've always felt that shadow following you, haven't you, Syla? That dark cloak hanging onto you no matter where you went?" Jalo started. It reminded Athena of a storytelling villain the way he talked. "That was Abeloth. Earth is her prison. That's where the Ones locked her up. There's a reason Jedi were never allowed to go to Earth; Abeloth would suck their soul out the longer they stayed. But, you - she didn't feed off you. You fed off her. She's been slowly merging with you since your birth, being the first Force-sensitive born on that miserable mud-ball.

The New Girl from Earth - REWRITE (a Star Wars Rebel story)Where stories live. Discover now