Family Bonding

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All of Athena's life, never had she been so quickly accepted by a group of people. Never had a group of people go out of their way to make her feel welcomed and loved. They taught her their writing system, they taught her about their weapons, their war, their cultures, their phrases, and anything else the girl was confused about.

It was all so new. Yes, it was confusing and frustrating at some times as she couldn't take it all in at once, but it felt like something she never truly had before.

A home. A loving home.

They were no typical family, but they were family nonetheless. Athena saw them fill unofficial roles in this ragtag family. Hera and Kanan as the loving parents, Zeb as a crazy fun uncle, Rex as a goofy and wise grandpa, Ezra and Sabine as older siblings, Chopper the grumpy family pet. Ahsoka, Ahsoka took her in the most. She was like a super-mom to her.

The togruta had her near her whenever she could, even on the command deck as she, Commander Sato, and other rebels discussed tactical movements and supply movements. Athena didn't understand a word, but she loved to learn and be involved. Ahsoka taught her about the Force, teaching her meditation techniques and basic lightsaber movements with a stick. She even helped Athena sew up her bullet-torn shirt and jacket - despite her insisting she could do it herself. Ahsoka showed her a better technique and Athena stood corrected.

The ice powers of hers were the hardest to train. Ahsoka attempted to train that aspect with her, but he just ended up needing a hair dryer for a block of ice stuck on the girl's hand. They were both wide-eyed when Athena got mad at herself, causing flames to replace the ice.

So, ice when scared. Fire when angered.

Ahsoka sure had a challenge ahead of her.

After about two weeks, Ahsoka managed to get Athena to shoot a semi-accurate stream of fire at a Stormtrooper helmet on command - finding a way to convert her upset feelings into physical attacks. Ice was much harder to control. Anger was easy to direct into an attack, fear was not. Ahsoka did her best to teach Athena to keep control of these emotions and to listen to her emotions rather than being consumed by them, but she was a kid who didn't listen all too well.

Then, Kanan showed her a holocron. Athena was wide-eyed. She recognized the materials it was made out of. The colors. The sensations. Ahsoka and Kanan were wide-eyed to see the bracelet Athena owned to be made of the same materials as a holocron. Blue glass and copper metal beads. It dimly glowed the same way a holocron would - apparently Athena thought it was just glow-in-the-dark since she was a kid. After seeing that it was connected so deeply to the Jedi way, Athena began to wear it daily - hoping it would somehow help her learn better.

When she wasn't blaster training with Ezra, Chopper, and Rex, Jedi training with Ahsoka or Kanan, learning Aurebesh from Sabine or Zeb, or learning the parts of a ship with Hera, Athena was listening to music as she cleaned the Ghost. That was her past-time on Earth - cleaning. Since most of the foster families who took her in basically expected the kids they fostered to be their little maids, cleaning became a form of solace to her.

Hera found this pretty great, now having her ship voluntarily swept almost everyday.

The girl would put in her old earbuds and plug them into her MP3 player, and clean; oftentimes closing her eyes as she got into the music. Sabine thankfully made an adapter to charge her MP3 player when needed.

Kanan couldn't help but to stare with a distressed look as she sang "It's a Hard-knock Life" happily. The lyrics were so sad, singing about the hardships of foster kids, yet had such a happy tune.

"What is wrong with that kid?" Kanan mumbled to Ahsoka, the togruta also watching the oblivious girl as she continued to sing, a broom in hand and eyes closed. "Instead of kisses we get kicked? She is literally singing a song about foster-kid abuse with a happy tune!"

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