Stars in their Eyes

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"You guys let her sleep in the closet?" Hera gave an annoyed look at Sabine and Ezra, just haven woken up. The only one on the ship not awake was Athena, everyone else was gathered for a light breakfast in the kitchen.

"She wanted to," Ezra shrugged. "I guess Sabine's colorful room made her feel nauseated."

That earned him another shoulder punch from the Mandalorian.

"The kid was obviously abused in that foster care system," Kanan commented. "It may make her feel safe if she sleeps in her own space. She just met us. It'll take a while for her to completely warm up to us."

"So...we haven't really talked about it," Sabine began. "But I guess you got a little sister, huh Kanan?"

The male Jedi sighed, "Yeah, I guess I do. First I heard of it. I believe it, though. I admit that she looks just like me."

"Not as ugly, though," Zeb joked.

"Hey, you don't have room, bud," Kanan laughed.

"How is she going to be trained? Is Ahsoka taking her under her teachings?" Ezra asked. "Will she train with us?'

"Ezra's just excited because there's finally a girl in this Rebellion he hasn't driven off with his desperate flirting," Sabine rolled her eyes.

"Look, guys, we have to do our best to welcome her into this crew and this Rebellion. She has no idea what the Empire really is or even what a droid is," Hera said, looking around, gesturing at her crew. "It'll be like teaching a toddler everything, but having the comprehension and abilities of a twelve-year-old."

"I thought she was fourteen?" Ezra said.

"I thought she was ten," Zeb admitted. "Kid is a smaller pipsqueak than Ezra."

"She told me that she was thirteen, almost fourteen," Kanan said.

"I was close," Ezra said with a shrug.

"Anyway, we have to do our best to slowly warm her up to everything," Hera said. "The kid obviously has been through a lot and now she's in a whole new galaxy."

"Why do you say she was abused? Did she tell you guys something?" Ezra questioned.

"We saw the bruises and scars on her body when we were stitching her wounds," Hera solemnly told. "Kid went through a lot."

"Maybe Ahsoka and I can show her some meditation techniques. She might need meditating as a way to calm down so those ice powers don't go crazy," Kanan offered. "I've never seen anything like it. It could be dangerous if these things go unchecked in her."

"Maybe someone should check up to see if she didn't freeze herself in her sleep," Sabine suggested. "I'll get the hairdryer if necessary."

The doors slid open a girl in a green tank top and black pants rubbing her eye, yawning.

"So...I guess this wasn't a really weird dream..." Athena yawned.

Kanan chuckled. "Who did that to your hair?"

She had to think for a minute, trying to process the words. Athena patted her head and felt the four braids on her head, held together by her one ponytail against the top of her skull. The remainder of the braids were left untied and slowly unraveled at the ends.

"Oh yeah, Sabine and Ezra braided my hair," she stretched as she let out a loud yawn. "How long was I asleep? I feel like I slept for an entire week!"

"About ten hours," Sabine assured. "Want some breakfast?"

"Nah, I don't eat breakfast- makes me nauseated," Athena rubbed her eye some more. "And last night I had a really weird dream about an owl woman. Freaking creepy."

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