A Twist of Fate

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EARTH YEAR - 2015 C.E.

15 years and some odd months since the Empire rose to power(a.k.a. mid-Season 2 of Star Wars Rebels)

Kanan was never a fan of simple missions. Following "maybes" and "what-ifs". They almost always end up being a bust, waste of time, or a trap. He closed his eyes as he leaned his head back against the co-pilot seat, next to the twi'lek captain who flew the metal giant through the stars. It was quiet. Nothing to do and near nothing to see.

"Kanan, luv, I know you aren't a fan of this mission, but can you at least try to stay awake? I need your eyes in case you see something I don't."

"This phantom signal we're following is either from a ship, which you can't miss, or just a fluke, which you don't need me to tell you," Kanan remarked.

"Well, this is the Ghost. If any crew and ship were meant to chase a 'phantom' signal, it would be us," Hera said. "Besides, you're way more interesting to talk to when awake than when you're asleep." she glanced over to the Jedi. "Though, sometimes I do feel as if my words fall onto deaf ears."

Kanan rolled his eyes as he smiled. If there was any silver lining to these kinds of missions, it would be Hera and her voice. She knew how to keep a room alive.

The male Jedi turned to the door once it opened, Ezra entering the cockpit. The young Padawan looked to the two with a tired and bored look. Typical fifteen-year-old.

"So...any luck on this signal? Have you guys spotted anything?" he asked.

"So far nothing," Hera said. "My scanners have been going crazy. That's what we get for being so close to the unknown regions, of course."

"Maybe the person who sent out the distress signal was sucked into a wormhole out here," Ezra suggested. "Isn't that why no one ever comes out here?"

Kanan nodded, "Yeah. That, and this is really uncharted territory. We're just on the edge right now, so we should be safe for the moment."

"How long are we going to be out here looking for this person who sent out the signal? We've already been away from the fleet for two rotations," Ezra said.

"I'm going to call it quits if we don't find them in this rotation. We didn't pack all that many supplies anyhow," Hera assured. "I just want to make sure that whoever sent out that signal to the Rebellion doesn't lose the only chance they may have had."

Ezra sat in the chair behind Hera, bordley spinning in a circle, blowing his long blue hair out of his face every once and awhile. Bored out of his mind. Like Master like Padawan.

Several slow and quiet minutes passed. Time seemed to be ticking by at a slowed pace. Nothing but the darkness of space with sparse dots of white seen for what seemed to be forever. Kanan blinked a few times as he could have sworn that the stars were warping. It looked like a black blanket with white dots had been put in front of them - and the blanket began to twist. He rubbed his eyes, to see the same results. He shared a worried look with his captain, who was seeing the same thing as him.

Hera's worried eyes looked down to see every gauge and sensor on her ship was going insane. Beeping and the shrill of alarms filled the ship now. Chopper sped around the ship, throwing up his mechanical arms in distress as he had no clue as to what was going on. Zeb and Sabine rushed to the cockpit, wide-eyed as the rest of them.

"What is going on?" Sabine questioned. "The whole ship is going mad!"

As Hera struggled to keep control of the ship, pulling with all of her might to keep their course, she yelled, "I don't know! It's like a wormhole!"

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