A Con in Vegas

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It was a long ride and scorching ride, but at least it was better than walking. The kind man named Jerry bought them some McDonald's before they continued on their ride - seeing the mud covered pair were probably starving at this point. The two decided to go the full ride to Las Vegas with the man, seeing that the further they were from that military base, the better.

As Athena took another bite of her hamburger, her hair flying in the wind, she spoke. "So, you got any idea on contacting the others?"

He shook his head. "No clue. Maybe we'll think of something when we get to this Vegas place."

That made Athena chuckle. "I guess you would never have heard of Las Vegas, huh? Well, I think you'll like it."

"You've been there?"

"No," she shook her head. "It's just a very well-known city."

"What's it known for? Should I be concerned?" Kanan raised an eyebrow.

Athena shrugged, "Nah, not really. It's mostly known for gambling and stuff."

"Don't do gambling," Kanan rolled his eyes. "Please. You scare me enough with your other questionable habits."

"I can't, I'm too young according to the law," Athena said.

"What's too young for smoking in your country?" Kanan joked.

Athena rolled her eyes, "Alright, alright, Smart Guy. I see you."

"You haven't smoked any more, have you? Since the day we found you?"

She shook her head, "No. I don't know how I got rid of my cravings, though. Usually I gotta go through Hell to get over cigarettes. This time... it was like I had never picked one up. Ever since I woke up in the Rebellion."

"Hmm..." Kanan pondered.

He looked off to the horizon behind him, placing his arm along the side of the pickup truck's edge. An arid desert with dark green shrubs here and there and skinny trees. Beyond that, giant mountains topped with ice and snow. He turned to face Athena, behind her tall, tan ridges of rock that flattened at the top, hundreds of green shrubs surrounding the base of the rocky structure.

This planet varied so much. Within just an hour of driving, they went from lush green forests with giant trees to this. Desert around them, snow topped mountains in the distance.

A few more hours of driving and Kanan started to wish for more variety in the scenery. For approximately two harrowing hours did they drive through red, static, barely changing, desert. Nothing but red rock, a few shrubs, and a passing city every few dozen miles.

The Jedi didn't even notice himself drifting off into sleep until he was once again shaken out of it by Athena. He groaned and shook his head awake. Athena led the way by jumping out of the now still truck.

They gave a final wave to the kind old man before he continued on his way.

Athena and Kanan were a little wide-eyed when they got to look around a bit more as they stood on the edge of the sidewalk. Large, flashy buildings lined the entire area. Large buildings made of glass glinted in the sunlight. Countless numbers of people passed by on the sidewalk, many more in cars on the road. In front of them was a tan, ornate, old-fashioned building. Behind that, a pointy tower made of metal. Further behind that, a royal blue fake hot-air balloon stood with the word "Paris" written across it. Palm trees lined the street, the long green leaves swaying with the breeze.

"Wow, the Eiffel tower," Athena chuckled. "The baby replica." she had never heard of "Paris Las Vegas", but she still thought it was neat.

"This is pretty different from Cleveland," Kanan said, scanning the area around them. Behind them, a red and silver building with a heart and three letters on it. He pointed to it. "What's this building?"

The New Girl from Earth - REWRITE (a Star Wars Rebel story)Where stories live. Discover now