Chapter Five

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For the last few days, I've been more on edge. Before I turn a corner, I check to make sure no one's watching. I'm constantly glancing at cameras whenever Tobias and I talk in the hallways. At any given moment; there can be an alteration to Jeanine and Max's plan—whatever it is—that no one is prepared for. How is one supposed to prepare for something they don't know what's coming?

Tobias has been the calmer one, or just the one who's better at staying calm under certain circumstances even if it's total chaos in his head. But he's managed to also keep me calm, giving me distractions. Like tonight.

Every year during initiation, one of the leaders and a group of Dauntless take all the initiates on a late night game of capture the flag. I remember winning my year because of Tobias's strategy, but skipped last year because bed seemed like a more compelling option. Tonight I'm being dragged along to join in with the ceremonial festivities.

"It's freezing" I groan, my hands rubbing against each other in the pocket of my hoodie and the hood up covering my messy curls. I was taking a nap before being pulled off the bed.

"It's not that bad," Shauna smirks next to me, bouncing on her heels. "I guess that's only because I'm used to it by now."

"Lucky you," my eyes roll.

We, and a group of other Dauntless, stand by the tracks while waiting for the rest of the group to wake up the initiates for the game. It's almost summer but the nights are still cold, especially after midnight.

"Here they come!" Someone yells. The sound of a running group kicking rubble starts and everyone I'm surrounded by starts to get hyped. Anything that involves a game causes a particular sort of ruckus amongst the Dauntless.

I spot Tobias running alongside Eric, he has a mixture of sternness and excitement across his face. There's always pride within him whenever he beats Eric in something. Ever since we were initiates.

"Everyone grab a gun!" Eric shouts. There's a stampede towards the table holding the paintball boxes and guns we only use for this particular purpose.

I'm pushed by the group, snagging what I can when my body bumps into the table and rejoining the herd. This time I'm in eyeshot of Tobias, he gives me a small smile when our eyes meet.

"Time estimate?" Eric asks Tobias.

"Any minute now. How long is it going to take you to memorize the train schedule?" Four asks after glancing at his watch.

"Why should I, when I have you to remind me of it?" Eric smiles while shoving Tobias's shoulder.

When the train comes, Tobias is the first one to jump on to help whoever needs the assistance. I wait for the group to move and start jogging behind them, keeping stride with the train. Tobias looks at me with a chuckle and pulls me in when I extend my arm. He holds onto me for a moment as our bodies collide.

"I didn't need your help, you just happened to be in the way" I smirk.

"My apologies. I'll make sure to get out of the way next time," he grins then drops his hand from mine to address the group.

He clears his throat while adjusting the strap of his gun across his chest. "We'll be dividing into two teams to play capture the flag. Each team will have an even mix of members. Dauntless-born initiates, and transfers. One team will get off first and find a place to hide their flag. Then the second team will get off and do the same. This is a Dauntless tradition, I suggest you take it seriously."

"What do we get if we win?" Someone shouts from the other end of the car.

"Sounds like the kind of question someone not from Dauntless would ask," he raises an eyebrow, "you get to win, of course."

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