Chapter Seventeen

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Tobias and I stand outside of the Pire. Both of our hoods up, the wind rushing passed us. Once the door behind us opens, the small blonde joining us, neither of us says a word and start walking into the same direction.

As the train comes, we each jump on with ease. Tobias, then me, then Tris. Getting onto these things has become second nature now, it's one of the few things I actually enjoy. It's my only way of getting away.

"So," Tris stands in front of us, "what's this about?"

Tobias shakes his head before walking down the car. "Not yet. I want to get into the city first."

Tris and I both take a seat against the wall, opposite of one another. I pull down my hood again that fell off during the jump and roll down my sleeves, the wind causing goosebumps.

"I never had the chance to thank you," Tris begins, "for letting me use your bed, and lending me your clothes."

I grin at her, moving as the train goes over a bump. "It was no problem, everyone needs help every once in a while."

Tris looks at Tobias for a moment, I turn to see him almost hanging out of the car with his hands gripping the sides again. He may be afraid of heights, but he's grown used to the speed of the train and trusts how strong the car is.

"Should I be concerned with what you two have to tell me?" Tris asks when she looks back at me.

I meet her eyes again, seeing how curious she looks. "What did Four tell you about this meeting?"

"That it was important. That I should know what's going on with Erudite visiting Dauntless so much."

I nod. "You'll find out soon enough."


We all jump off the train when Tobias lets us know, walking far enough in the dark streets to see the light filled building in the distance. Erudite headquarters. Just like what Evelyn told us.

Tobias lets Tris know about the files he found that day, about the planned attack that may happen the day after tomorrow. It's still unclear what Max's calendar meant, for all we know, he just hasn't filled in the dates yet. Either way, it seems like everything lines up perfectly with that specific day.

"War?" Tris asks. Her arms are crossed over her chest, tilting her head up to look at the both of us. There isn't a major height difference, but she is quite short. I'm sure people let her know often enough.

"War on Abnegation?" She asks again, I can tell she's thinking back to see if she saw anything hiding in plain sight.

Tobias nods, glancing at me. "The faction that controls the government. Yes."

The thought makes me feel sick again.

"All those reports are supposed to stir up dissension against Abnegation. Evidently, the Erudite now wants to speed up the process. I have no idea what to do about it... or what could even be done," his gaze is towards the lights, the crease appearing.

"But, why would Erudite team up with Dauntless?"

"Erudite doesn't have any weapons, they also create the serums. From the list, there's a big shipment of syringes," I join in.

We're all silent for a moment, letting the information sink in.

Tris is first to react. "They're going to use us."

"I wonder," Tobias looks at the two of us, "how they plan to get us to fight."

I push my hair back when the wind rushes passed us, looking at the headquarters myself now.

What do they have planned for us?

"I don't know," Tris mutters.


When we get off the train back at the compound, we separate with Tris and pretend nothing ever happened. Like we just went for a walk.

Tobias and I walk into his apartment; I go straight to the bed while he flicks on the light.

"What if it is tomorrow?" It's around one in the morning now.

"Then it's tomorrow," he sighs and takes the spot beside me on the bed, "we're as ready as we can be."

I sigh and look over at him as his hand intertwines with mine. "Do you think we should've left sooner?"

He studies me for a second, thinking to himself. After a moment, he places his forehead against mine and pecks my lips.

"I think we're where we're supposed to be," he whispers.

I let him lower me onto my back, the room going dark again.

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