Chapter Twenty Four

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The Dauntless group wasn't up to us, if it were- Marcus wouldn't be a few feet away from me waiting for the train to pass. Andrew and Caleb stand between me, just in case I need help getting on the train.

"What time is it?" Tris asks Caleb.

"Three twelve," he looks up from his watch.

"Should be here any second."

"Will it stop?"

Tris shakes her head. "It goes slowly through the city. We'll run next to the car for a few feet and then climb inside."

When the tip of the train appears, I start my jog. Pain shoots down my leg but I push through it, knowing I'll be able to sit down soon. I hear Tris behind me get on the train with a groan, someone following close behind. With a few pants and hopeful thinking, I jump with my good leg and grab the railing as tight as I can. Tris and Caleb help pull me inside when I struggle to swing the rest of myself into the car.

"You okay?" Tris asks. I nod, hoping I didn't tear my stitches already.

Caleb helps Marcus inside next, Andrew lands on his stomach when he jumps after him. I can't help but feel impressed that they were willing to make the jump. I remember so many who didn't make it passed the first day of initiation because they couldn't get on the train.

I hold in a scream as I take a seat on the ground against the wall, using my hand to carefully place my leg on the floor.

"I assume you now regret choosing Dauntless," Marcus studies me.

I try to ignore him; looking out the other door to watch the city go by, ripping apart my other pant leg to measure the cut up one. It reminds me of the boxers Tobias would let me wear, but a bit shorter. And covered in blood.

"Not even after your faction's leaders decided to join in a plot to overthrow the government?" Marcus adds on.

"I had obligations to keep, I couldn't leave knowing what I'd be leaving behind," I meet his eyes, "we both did." I know he understands who I'm talking about.

"There were things I needed to learn," Tris looks over at us, detecting that I could break again. It's not a secret to anyone that I have a specific rage for that man.

"How to be brave?" Andrew asks.

"How to be selfless," she looks at him, "often they're the same thing."

I can't help but grin through my pain. That's something Tobias would say.

"Is that why you got Abnegation's symbol tattooed on your shoulder?" Caleb asks.

She nods with a faint smile. "And Dauntless on the other."


Caleb helps me to my feet when the glass building appears, I limp over to the door and hold to the railing to hang out just a bit.

"When I tell you to jump," I look over my shoulder, "you jump as far as you can."

"Jump?" Caleb makes a face. "We're seven stories up, Amalia."

"Onto a roof. It's the first test of bravery when you arrive here."

I watch the platform come into view, it grows closer and closer. When we're about to take the turn, that's when we're closest to the building.

"Okay, you first, Andrew," I take a step back. He and Marcus can only jump at a certain distance, so they deserve the shortest leap.

We watch Andrew jump then I gesture for Marcus. "Jump!" I yell at him, happy to use the tone.

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