Dreams (Matt Smith fanfiction)

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There i was, sitting on my bed in my bedroom, waiting for Mark to call. I was so anxious to know what it was about. I hope it is good, something good, please let it be something good! I held my blackberry phone in my hands, just waiting to get the call. I could hear my mum talking on the phone downstairs, this made me more nervous, i didn't know why. Oh god, when is this phone gonna ring? five minutes i had been waiting in my room, even though, it felt like five hours, days even.

But little did i know, i was on the start of an amazing journey...

Sorry, let me introduce myself, my name is Jessica Wood, but everyone called me Jessie. I am a 26 year old girl, and i live in England. My family consists of 4 people, Me, my parents Luis and Anne, then there's my brilliant sister,Katie. Katie is 2 years older than me, I love her, and look up to her. My hobbies are drawing, and being creative. Also, i am a huge Doctor Who fan (a whovian) And i absolutely LOVE Matt Smith, i mean, who doesn't?!?

And by the way, Mark is my agent, you see, I'm an actress...well, not a very good one, I've only been in a short Asda advert for about 7 seconds and played a background dancer in a small Christmas play for a bunch of children at there  primary school.

Anyway, right now, im waiting for a call from Mark, he gave me a text saying:

hi Jessie, listen ive got something to tell you, ill ring you at around 5 0'clock when im free, ive got a busy schedule, sorry, i cant tell you now, talk later?


I didn't know why i was so exited, I guess i was happy there was some news from Mark, seeing the fact i hadn't seen or herd much of him for a few weeks.

One of the things i loved so much about Mark was his support, he was always there if i needed help with work, even though i haven't ever got anything great out of acting, but that didn't matter.

I soon decided i would relax, and try to get my mind of what Mark had text me, so i put on one of my doctor who DVDs, sat back on my bed,  stretched out, and feel into a deep sleep.


I was awoken by a load ringing noise by my ear. My eyes shot open, and realized it was my phone, i was so tired. I searched all over my bed, until i touched my vibrating device, I answered without looking to see who the caller was. "uh....h-hello?" I groaned.

"Jessie! Jessie! you wont believe this!"

My face lit up, and i felt awake from the sound of Marks voice, thankfully he sounded in a good mood.

"Mark! thank god! Ive been dying to hear this news!"

I rushed down stairs with a beaming face into the kitchen, to find my mum.

"Mum!" i screamed 

"wh-what is it my dear? are you okay?" she asked worried

"okay? OKAY? mum im..AMAZING! I feel amazing!"

Katie ran into the kitchen from her room upstairs "I herd shouting, what have i missed?" she asked.

"Mark got me an audition for a new BBC tv show!!!" i exclaimed. The room was then filled with cheer and laughter.

"hes coming over in an hour to give me the details!" i told them.

"oh that's wonderful dear" My mum told me.

"well done sis!"

I couldn't wait to tell my Dad the news,id have to wait till he came home from work, i wanted to tell him personally, not through the phone. I knew he would be so proud of me, i could imagine his face, so happy, full of joy.

"he hasent told me what show I'm gonna be auditioning for, but its a BBC show, so i know it will be big!"

An hour passed, and I herd a knock on the front door, so exited i flung it open, only to discover Marks face, lighted up with great happiness. "Mark!" - "Jessie!" We united in a massive hug.

We all made ourselves comfortable in the sitting room, i sat on one sofa next to Mark, my mum and Katie sat on the other together.

"so, come on, tell me more, you only told me a little through the phone" I said.

Mark grinned

"ok, your gonna be auditioning for the part of 'Ema' in a new BBC tv show called 'crushed on Mars' its a sci fi drama, and Ema is one of the main characters" He said, i listened wide eyed. 

"the audition is in 2 weeks, and the script will come through the post, so you'll have a little bit of time to practice the lines, learn them, when you've done that, learn them backwards" he informed me.

"oh, im so proud of you Honey!" My mum said.

"The audition is in London, so ill drive you there, Ive booked a hotel, I'm paying, you can pay me back when you get the job" he joked, we all laughed in answer. 

Mum gave us all a cup of tea, and we talked about...well....life. I couldn't concentrate, i was thinking too hard about this part. 

later, I greeted my Dad, as he came home, and told him all the news. As far as i could see, he was over the moon! "Oh Jessie! my little angel!" he kept on saying.

A few days later, i had received my lines, and was already practicing. I practiced almost every hour of the day. I actually think it was getting on Katie's nerves, i think she could hear through the walls.

I did as Mark said, i learned them forwards and backwards. I was determined to get this role. It was my destiny. Nothing was going to get in my way.


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