Hello again!

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It felt good to be back on set. To see everybody again. I had already unpacked, and I was looking forward to reading the new script for episode 1. It felt like my second home, being there, since I spend an awful lot of time there.

I was back in my old trailer, and hardly any staff had changed (apart from the actors/actresses of course) Overall, things where looking good. I was expected to work A bit more harder this time, since it was my second series, which was fair enough, I would expect it from anyone else.

Matt was somewhere unknown, doing god knows what. The only bad thing I could think off where my pains, they didn't seam to be improving. If anything, they where becoming for frequent and stronger, I don't know, maybe I was just being a drama queen.

That was the reason I didn't make a big fuss about it. I didn't really tell anyone, Matt was there when I talked about it with my mum in the car driving towards set, but since then, I hadn't said anything.

I sat my in my trailer, revisiting old memories. How my life has changed. I felt so lucky. I was already missing home, but now an awful lot, I mean, I just got here. I made a few changes to my trailer, rearranged things, and put new pictures up on the wall, nothing major. Just to make it a bit more interesting.


So a few days later, we where back to filming, we had the read through, and the plot line was amazing, as usual. Me and Matt where in The TARDIS yet again, that damn wonderful place. We where doing a short scene, but I was a slight bit scared, because in this scene The TARDIS was meant to crash, which meant explosions. I don't know why I was scared, I knew it was safe. Just one of those weird things I suppose.

"So, where to?" Matt said

"Anywhere! Somewhere fun, A cool place" I answered, going along with the script

"hmm, cool place coming up!"

Matt then pulled a few leavers on The TARDIS console, and we both pretended to be pulled around, as The TARDIS started to crash unexpectedly, like how it said on the script.

"w-whats going on, Doctor?!" I yelled

"It's The TARDIS, her engines are burning up!"

"What does that mean?"

"A very big explosion!"

Then, on queue, the sparks went, and the fire started burning. (all planed, obviously) We both pretended to fall on the floor, As I slid next to the blaze, Matt/The Doctor tried to rescue me, and bring me to safety.

As the director yelled cut, we both got out of the way, so the others could put out the blaze. It wasn't long before we had finished for the day, so we headed back to our trailers for a good nights rest.


Hi guys!

Back from comic con! I went with  @GeeWayThreeWay had a really good time.  Most of you will know this if your following me, but I met Alex Day while I was there (Sorry, I keep on going on about it, just cant get over it)

It was absolutely amazing! If any of you guys haven't been to comic con, I defiantly recommend it!

Keep reading!...please? xx


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