dinner time!

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So we arrived at the restaurant, and it was a pretty damn posh one as well!

We all sat on a large circular table, with a white cloth over it.

Matt was there, obviously, So was Moffat, The rest of the executive producers, and writers. Some of the other important actors, and as a surprize, Karen came along, unfortunately Arthur couldn't make it.

Matt was thrilled with Karen coming, he was really happy.

Once we had all arrived, sat down, and ordered, we started to chat.

"So, how has everyone enjoyed this series??" Steven asked.

Everyone started to reply, with different comments, different stories. Personally, I had a great series at WHO. I started an amazing journey. Met a perfect man. And gave myself a great career.

"How have you been, Karen?" Matt asked

"yeah, I've been good, im trying to get into theatre work, you know? But I've been missing you all!" She replied.

After A while, once we had got out food and drinks, Steven started to talk.

"so, as you all know, we have finished another great series of doctor who!" he started.

Everyone cheered.

"And, we brought a new companion along with us, Jessie Wood, as we all know as the wonderful Jessie!"  

Everyone clapped, And I could myself starting to blush, as I said thank you.

"I'd like to wish our lovely Karen Gillan a good future, and a good head start, out of the life of doctor who" He said.

"And i'd like to congratulate our new, couple, im sure none of you would have seen it coming, Matt and Jessie everyone!"

Everyone started clapping, which made me blush even more, but I was happy at the same time, holding Matt's hand.

We then began to eat and drink, enjoying the night, and making jokes. It was a good night, one to remember. Good food, good times, I loved it!


Later, everyone had finished, it was pretty late, so we started to head home. Clinging on to Matts arm, we got into the car together, and had someone else drive us back to set.

I was quite tired, but I didn't care. We both went back to Matt's trailer. Both of us yawning, but we stayed up till' late. I'd continue packing tomorrow. I couldn't do it right now.

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