my turn

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The day had arrived! I had received my first script! my actual, proper, real doctor who SCRIPT! aah, i was so exited. I stood in my trailer staring at it, i hadn't opened it yet, i was going through a faze, should i read now? or later?

I then realised that id been staring at the cover for too long, so decided to bring it outside with me, maby id read it then?

So I walked around for a bit, predicting what would happen in the script, I strode up to the back feilds behind set, and sat on a woodent bench, overlooking the feilds. The wind blew throught my hair, the sun shon on my face, this was the perfect time to read my first sctipt.

Lexi (my character) was a modern girl who worked as a shop cashieer in West-End, London.She had always been able to see thorugh people, and sometimes tell the story of there life, when only having knowing them for 5 minuits. She dreamd of seeing the stars a bit closer, but never had the opertunity. Well, that was untill she met The Doctor, he met her after she was kidnaped by humonaid aliens, trying to overpower Earth. He brought her with him, and they flew away in his majic blue box. The Doctor was joyfull and happy, but Lexi could see sadness in his eyes, she saw the distress of his past, the losses he faced. It was at that point that The Doctor realised Lexi had some sort of power, she could see inside people. But she dident know how to use this gift properly, so was not very talented at it, This is where there future adventures begin.

I had a few pages to go untill I had finished the script, it was so amazing. I couldent stop reading, it was so addictive.

But then someone sat next to me on the bench, I stopped to look, and recognised Matt's hair. He was holding his script in his hand.

"hi" He said, a smile on his face.

"oh, hi Matt"

"you've been reading the script? I only just started"

"its amazing, just...thrilling"

"ha, well thats moffat for you" he joked.

"but seriously, i couldent put the script down!"

Matt then started to read a bit of the script, but it wasent long untill he stoped.

"look Jessie, im realy sorry I havent been taking an intrest in you lately" He said

"oh, thats ok, i get it"

"yeah, its just with the buisness about Karen and Arthur leaving, I havent been myself lately, but im trying to forget about it,  look to the future, and I hope we can start again" he told me.

"of course!"

"thats brilliant!"

I could tell how happy he was by the smile on his face. I was surprized by how strong his emotions where.

He then asked me if id like to Rehearse lines with him that night, of course i agreed, it seemed everything was brightning up.

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