Matthew Robert Smith.

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I sat on the long sofa, listneing to music for about 15 minuits, but then i herd a knock on the door, and paused it. "Come in" i said, then the door opend, and someone came in, closing the door behind them. Then i saw there face, id recognise it anywhere, I was looking at Matt Smith.

"Hi!" He said, oh my, i felt...i cant even describle how i was feeling, talking to Matt Smith!

"Oh hey!"

"I herd you had arrived, so came here as soon as i finished filming"

He was in his Doctor costume, bow-tie, tweed jacket, he looked so hot! 

"oh! why err..why dont you sit down"

"thanks!" he sat down next to me. "Im Matt" he shook my hand "what can i call you?"

"Ah, im Jessie, pleased to meet you Matt!"

He looked at my phone on the table, and noticed it had a doctor who background.

"I see your a doctor who fan!" he said

"oh, yeah, kind off a er..a dream come true being here"

"aww, how sweet!" he said "and you have an iphone, just like me!" he laughed.

He then pulled out his phone, and checked the time "hey, ive only got 5 minuits, you wanna head over to set with me?"


we then walked over to set. "have you seen The TARDIS set yet?"

"nope, looking forward to it"

"ok, oh cool, i can show you The TARDIS set for the first time!" Matt said.

we then walked into the building, went past a corner, and there it was, The TARDIS! It looked better than how it looks on TV, well in my perspective it did. So much light, energy and excellence!

"good eh?" Matt asked.


He brought me up the stairs to the console. "oh yeah, i remember the first time on this set, i kept on thinking i was gonna fall through the glass!" he joked, making us both laugh.

"ok, filming in 60 secs!" a man called out.

I then waved to Matt, and steped of set.

"ok, scene 13 please!" the man called. Matt got into postition, alone on set.


"ok, where now...Amy and Rory on there honey moon...for the 7th time!" he acted out. He looked at the phoneon the console, im guessing they would edit it to make it ring, he answerd it.

"yes, hello?......oh hello priminister!.....yes, been a bit i cant! waste of time anyway....look, i wouldent be able to do that, and if you ask me, its quite rude actualy! ....none of my buisness, i know nothing about WAY! ...oh, ok i gotta go now, bit of a problem..yes i know..bye, bye, bye!" He then put the phone down and walked down one of the stairs.

"and, cut there!"

people thenstarted to talk, and Matt reappeared. Someone joined him and started talking to him, he was probably a director or something, i couldent wait to start filming!

Then people started noticing who I was, and greeted me to the world of doctor who, they toldme who they where and whatthere job was, there where so many people, i dident know how i was going to remeber.

Time passed, and Matt kept at work, i never got bored watching him, even if he had to do the same scene a million times! Oh how much i loved him.

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