first TV appearence

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So there I was, sitting backstage of the Graham Norton show with Matt and the other guests. There where two other guests, Fearne Cotton and Daniel Radcliffe, which was exiting. The show was about to start in a minuet, then Graham would introduce us, we would enter the studio, and start..well, talking.

We hadn't made it public that me and Matt where together, and we didn't think anyone in the public knew. They where going to show a clip from our new doctor who series, that would be fun. I was a tad nervous, but Matt kinda helped me with that.

Not too long later, Graham was about to introduce us, I imagined Matt would be last. Firstly, Fearne stepped out, then it was Daniel. I was next, oh dear.

I walked into the studio, to be greeted by a large number of people in the audience clapping, and a welcoming hug from Graham. Then I did the same to the other guests, and shortly after, Matt came along.

"Welcome, welcome, welcome" Graham said, once the audience had quietened down, and we all took a seat.

"how are we?" he asked.

"good" We all said

"yes, Matt, Jessie, so, you've finished filming the new series of doctor who now, have you?"

"yes, yes we have" Matt answered, feeling comfy.

"And, of course, you are complied by your new companion" Graham said, hands out to me, followed by a loud cheer from the audience. 

"so, so tell us, Jessie, how is it going? Being in the new series of doctor who"

"ha, well, yeah its great, really good, you know, its my first proper acting job, which is a ig jump, but, you know, I hope ive done ok"

"aww, im sure you have"

"you know, ive interviewed Matt before, on the radio, with Karen Gillan, proper good stuff" Fearne began

"oh yes" Graham said.

"before my time" I joked.

"ok, so, I believe, we have a clip, from the new series" Graham began "yes yes, we do" he said. "Now, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have an exclusive clip, from the new episode of doctor who"

The clip began, it showed a part of my first episode, when The Doctor tries to recue me out of a wreckage in a spaceship, of course, it didn't show if I did get rescued or not at the end, that was a secret.

When the clip was finished, the room was filled with an applause from the audience, who obviously liked it.

"oh, exiting, exiting!" Graham said.

We then started a conversation about the clip, and Graham moved onto Fern and Daniel.

At the end of the show, there was 2 stories from 'in the red chair' in which, both got flipped, but was actually really funny! 

We said our goodbyes, and a while later, left the studio, and made our way home.

Matt very kindly drove me to my house, but said he couldn't come in, he had things to do, and besides, it was late. I did offer him to sleep over, but he thought it would be better for him to just head home. So I kissed him, we said our goodbyes, I climbed out of the car, and stepped into my house, after seeing the lights from his car drift off down the street of the cold English night.



So, I updated again today, firstly because I didn't update yesterday, secondly because I was bored, and finally because IM NICE! ^.^  I don't really have anything to say, so I'll start a little game, I say a line from an ep of doctor who, and you have to tell me who said it, and what episode its from, ok? If you get it right, ill mention your name in the next part. (so this is only open until the next part is up) TELL MEH IN DE COMENTS!!!!

Also, no cheating! don't look in the comments for answers! Do that AFTER you have come up with your own answer.

line: 'Can I have an apple? I love apples, maybe Im having a craving, oh that's new, never had cravings before!'


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