goodbye ponds

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Afew days past, and I was realy looking forward to when I was going to start filming. Matt, Karen and Arthur had been spending more hours filming, and if they wernt filming, they would be rehearsnig lines together, so I wasent seeing them that often anymore, even if I did, it would probably only be Karen id talk to, I hadent yet clicked with Matt or Arthur. They where just like that before because I was new.

I did see them alltogether one morning at breakfast, even though it was short.

"Im not that hungry" I said, so i just ate a sandwich.

The mood wasent as bright as it usaly was, the three wernet realy talking as much, something was definatly up.


Later that day, I decided to spend the day helping a few people, doing some actual work. But for some reason, everyone wasent in there good spirits. Peope gave a little smile when you talked to them, but when they turned away, their faces lowerd.

I imagined it like being in an episode of doctor who, an evil alen race had taken the good moods off everyone, and left the human race miserable.


Later, I met Moffat again in the "police cafe box"

he seemed to be the only person who wasent down in the dumps.

"im realy looking forward to picking up my first script, learning it, and eventualy start filming" I told him.

"ah, your just the same as Matt, Karen and Arthur when they all first started, kept talking about how exited they where" Steven laughed.

"yes, I realy like the atmosphere here, I love it here"

"thats great to here Jessie" he told me.

"I do too, and I realy love writing doctor who, its a childhood dream" he continued. 

he then looked at his watch. "ah, got to go, im a busy man" he said.

I said goodbye, and he was off. I wonderd why everyone was in suchbad moods, well apart from steven.


I stayed in the "blue cafe box" for a while, doing rubish on my phone to pass the time, a few hours must have passed.

Then, Matt, Karen and Arthur strode in, all with a tear in there eye. Matt was inbetween the two, with his arms around there shoulders.

I stood up and aproached them.

"hey, whats wrong?" I asked.

There was a moment before anyone replyed.

"Me and Arthur" Karen began

"we just finished our last shot in doctor who"

Suddenly I understood why everyone was in a bad mood, it all made sense, Karen and Arthur where finished.

"oh, im sorry, i dident know"

"you dont need to be sorry" Arthur asured me.

It all suddenly dawned on me, Karen and Arhur would be leaving soon. already? The time had flown. I dident even know Arthur that well yet.

I realised that id been looking forward to filming, but dident notice that ment Karen and Arthur had to leave.

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