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"Lix, do we have to?" Jisung whined for the tenth time that day.

Chan had given approval for them to visit Felix and his family for the day. That latter was ecstatic, but Jisung was nervous.

"Sungie, I'm not asking you to go get murdered. Do I scare you at all?" He asks laughing to himself.

"No," he shakes his head with big, sad eyes.

Felix laughs louder, "I'm my parents' son. They're the kindest people you will ever meet."

"Fine," Jisung draws out.

The two giggle together, sitting on the floor of their hotel room, as Jeongin and Seungmin were currently out getting the free breakfast they served in the lobby.

When they finally depart, Felix mentions how he has to make sure he brings the cute plushie he brought from Korea as a gift for his younger sister. She was into plushies as much as him and he knew the gift would make her happy.

"Will your dad yell at me? I'm not good with people yelling at me. One time this old lady off the street yelled at me because I was walking while looking at my phone. Even though no one else was on the side walk, she was all like 'you're going to run someone over!' Ever since then, I vowed never to text and walk when I'm in public. Old ladies scare me."

Felix laughs, grabbing for the other's hand. They get into a cab and inform the driver of the address. It wouldn't have taken long if they walked, but Felix wanted to spend as much time with his family as possible.

"Do we get to see kangaroos here? I want to give Minho to the kangaroos, his long lost family. I think they're missing him right now." Jisung asks, looking out the window, almost as if he was looking for any sign of a kangaroo.

Felix simply giggles, not bothering replying since it seemed Jisung was so focused on watching the scenery pass by.

When they arrived to the familiar driveway, Felix could feel the butterflies bubble up happily inside of him. They made sure to tip the driver before Felix was dragging Jisung out of the car with him. He was filled with giggles and had bouncy feet.

"I can't wait. I didn't tell them I was coming today. They think I still have a couple of days before I even come to Australia." Felix says, still dragging a slow Jisung behind him.

"I hope they don't yell at us. I'm still scarred from that old lady," Jisung states.

"Sungie, you're fine." Felix laughs, squeezing the other boy's hand.

They made it up the driveway to the front door and the younger flies up to the doorbell with no second thought.

The door swings open slowly and a smaller, female version of Felix peeks out, before immediately gasping. The action causes Felix to giggle.

"Mom, is going to freak," the girl says while smiling widely, before disappearing back into the house.

"That's Olivia, my younger sister." Felix mentions to Jisung, who simply nods.

Immediately causing them to jump from surprise, a loud shriek is heard from inside. Not long after the door is swung open, revealing his mom smiling widely at the two.

"Lixie! My baby! You're here so soon! Come in, you two." The boys follow behind into the home, immediately being welcomed by the rest of his family.

"Everyone, this is Jisung. He's my boyfriend. Jisung, this is my family. That's mom and dad, and that's Olivia. My older sister, Rachel, is at uni."

Jisung smiles and greets the family politely. "Hi, it's really great to meet you. You have a really lovely home. Thank you for letting me be here."

Felix blushes as he hears the other speak. It was new to hear him be this polite and it made Felix weak.

"Wow, Felix. You got yourself a charmer," his mom says while softly nudging his arm. It only causes him to blush even more. "Alright, well we just got done making breakfast so you're in time."

They all head to the kitchen where they find plates of food scattered on the table. It was a sight that Felix missed and was grateful to be able to see again.

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