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"So, wait a minute," Chan gets everyone's attention. The group of them were now sprawled comfortably in seated positions on the floor around the room. The energy around them was beginning to die, but the atmosphere was a comfortable feeling.

"Jeongin, did you know them before?" The oldest asks. The one in question immediately goes to give out an excuse as his first defense, but Minho beats him to it.

"Can you believe Jeongin has a stan account?" He bursts out laughing.

"Lee Minho, I swear on your cats-"

"Do not finish that sentence."

The others laugh at the interaction. It wasn't like Jeongin was really that embarrassed, he just hoped they didn't find out who the stan account was dedicated too. Luck didn't want to be on his side, however.

"Wait, you didn't even tell the best part. Jeongin, who do you have the account dedicated to?" Hyunjin asks, smirking.

Jisung adds in with a laugh, "Ohhh, Jeongin! You gotta tell them now!"

The youngest screams. "Be gone, demons!"

The laughter in the room grows, but a couple of the members were still confused. It was entertaining to see the youngest become embarrassed.

"You might as well say it," Chan adds.

A confused Seungmin turns toward the oldest with a look of disbelief, "You know about his stan account?"

"Man, I didn't even know we were allowed to have any accounts aside from our own," Changbin comments.

"Technically, yeah if you keep your identity hidden. Clearly, Jeongin failed that."

"Oh my god, there was this one time that he accidentally tweeted an unreleased picture of him and Seungmin to his stan account. That was a fun day," Jisung smiles at the memory.

"You did what?!"

"I made a mistake and I deleted it right away! I told Jisung to keep quiet about it." Jeongin stared at the ground, embarrassment was still present in him.

Jisung snorts, "You threatened to throw out my Bang Chan photo card collection, which I will have you know is a very expensive collection."

Everyone laughs while Jeongin rolls his eyes.

"You collect my photocards? Wait, my photo cards are expensive? How expensive?" Chan asks. He was always curious to know about what goes on in their fandom.

Jisung's eyes widen at realizing what he confessed to, but he figured it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Yeah, your photo cards are most expensive to collect, but I'm a pro at collecting them." Minho rolls his eyes at his friend, knowing how annoying the other got talking about his collection.

"He owns your entire set honestly," Minho adds, but it causes Jisung to scoff.

"Not even, I still have more than half of his concert series to collect and then I have that one clothing company's set to collect."

"You're absolutely the weirdest person I've met."

"Says you."

"Excuse me," Jeongin interrupts. "If I remember correctly, Minho, you liked to bark at Hyunjin on Twitter. You can't say anything."

"Frick all of you. This is why I only love my cats."

The other members watch on as the three continue to bicker.

"Wait, we still haven't exposed Jeongin yet!" Felix laughs. He had himself propped up with his arms while his legs were crossed in front of him.

Jeongin, who was sat next to him the entire time, whips his head to his friend. "Not you too! You're my child you're supposed to be on my side."

"Jeongin has a stan account for Seungmin."

Hyunjin finally lets out the announcement. It was like an urge that needed to happen, but it only caused the youngest irritation.

The latter screams while throwing himself onto the ground, face first. He had no intentions of getting up after that confession. Hyunjin, Jisung, and Minho burst out laughing at the reaction they received.

"Wait, your stan account was for me?"

Silence rings through the room after those words. It was pretty funny to see Jeongin act like that after being exposed, but no one was sure how his boyfriend would react.

"Baby, come here," Seungmin coaxed the youngest. "That is really fucking cute of you."

He scoots over to Jeongin when he notices that the other wasn't planning on moving. Seungmin decided to move his head by the younger's ear so he could talk to him softly, letting the other know that it was cute and he didn't mind it at all.

"I tried telling you he wouldn't mind it!" Hyunjin states, which causes him to receive a hit on the back of his head from Chan.

"What? I'm just saying. Anyways, can we talk about how I found out who keeps barking at me on my tweets?"

Redness covers Minho's embarrassed face. "No, we can't talk about it."

"You're just embarrassed he found out."

"I mean, I already know you're the one flirting with me in the dms. Which, by the way, I'm a little upset you left me on read." Hyunjin gives the older a fake pout.

Minho could definitely feel himself melting on the inside. He may be a huge fan of the other and admired through a screen, but seeing him in person and getting to know the real him was different.

The older didn't expect his heart to race like that by just seeing a pout. He also didn't expect to feel like his insides were doing somersaults when the younger just simply admired him for a little longer than normal. Minho didn't know what to do with these strange feelings.

"We should all go out for lunch," Chan announces. It causes the group to erupt in cheers and agreement. The embarrassment that two of the members had gone through was now long forgotten, as they all clamber out of the studio.

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