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After working on a couple of essays for school all day, Felix was finally getting to bed. It was 3 am and exhaustion was hitting him hard. All he wanted to do was sleep four days straight.

However, the moment his head hit the pillow, his brain would not shut off. All he could think about was the email he had gotten earlier that week.

Ever since he had gotten the news that he had to stay longer for school instead of graduating when he was supposed to, he had been determined to make sure his grades were always high so he can reassure that he would graduate this time.

Now that he had gotten the best news of a lifetime, he was conflicted. He wanted to finish school officially so he can finally have his dream job as a professional dancer, but he also could be a professional dancer with Stray Kids. Only problem was that he didn't feel like his singing or rapping was adequate enough.

What if they saw him as weak because his only talent was dancing? This was JYPE they only wanted the best of the best. His dancing could probably reach that level, but he didn't even know korean very well, so they'll probably just drop him.

All of these 'what if's' bounced around his head rapidly. He knew there was no way he was going to be sleeping, so he decided on calling his mom. It was still early evening back in his hometown so he knew she would be awake to answer.

The bright light from his phone, even at the lowest brightness setting, was blinding in his dark room. He needs to remember to turn on the dark mode.

A familiar dial tone was heard as he pressed his phone to his ear, waiting for the other line to get picked up.

"Felix! Baby!"

Felix chuckles, "Hi, mama."

"Wait, it's like 3 am over there. Why aren't you sleeping, young man?!"

"I can't sleep," he says, letting some sadness seep into his words.

"What's wrong, baby? Talk to me."

He loved that his mom just knew when he needed someone to listen to his thoughts. It was very therapeutic for him.

"So, you know that kpop group I love?"

"Stray Kids! Yes how can I forget them you have their posters still covering your bedroom walls. The group with the Australian guy."

He laughs at his mom's excitement for getting the answer right. "Well, they had auditions for anyone to join their group because they want to expand it and well I decided to audition. I sent in a video of my rapping and dancing."

He could hear her gasp, along with something falling on the ground. "Oh, baby! That's awesome! Lixie, I'm so proud of you for putting yourself out there."

"I got accepted. They want me to go to Korea for final auditions to see if I will be fit for the group."

The sound of cheering fills his ears. She was always his number one supporter for everything and he was so grateful.

He sighs, "They want me there in two weeks."

"Why do you sound so sad? Isn't this what you want?"

"Well, yeah," Felix begins, hesitation evident in his voice. "I have to finish school though. I still have two months left."

"Lix, I have been the luckiest mother to get to see you grow into the amazing guy you are today. You have the biggest heart ever and you always make sure to think of others before yourself. This is a chance of a lifetime and for once I want you to think of yourself. Live your life. This is a pathway to what you want to do professionally."

He knew she was right, but all the worries held him back.

"What will happen if you don't finish school?" She asks while he stays silent. "Will it hold you back from being successful in what you want to do already? Or is there more to this and it's not just school holding you back?"

She knew him too well. "What if I'm not good enough?"

"Alright, listen here Felix." He laughs as she uses his full name. "Mom, I don't know if I'm what they want."

"And that's why you should go. Find out if you're what they need. I believe you are an incredible performer. You always work so hard and it shows. You know what? I'm going to call your school and say you have to leave for a family emergency. Now you have no choice." He could hear her click her tongue.

"Mom," he says dragging out the word. "Please, you don't have to do that."

"Lee Felix, go live your life for once."

He starts giggling at her persistence. "Fine, I'll go."

"Good. You deserve this, baby. I want to see my child be famous." She laughs.

He sighs before announcing that he had to get to sleep and they bid their goodbyes. After putting his phone back in it's place on his night stand, he lets out a sigh. He was grateful for his mom and her willingness to always help him feel better. The call made things easier for him to navigate his thoughts. He knew what he should do now.

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