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Jisung quickly ran out of the dorm, following Chan's orders. He was mad and upset that he had to see his friend hurt, but there were two sides of the story, so he tried to stay level headed, like their leader had instructed.

In the five years that the two had been best friends, Jisung had never seen Minho get this upset. If he was upset about something, he would turn it into something to laugh about because he liked to use humor to cope with difficult events and sad emotions.

He remembers a time, a year into their friendship, when he had encountered some really awful people on Twitter who wouldn't leave him alone no matter what he said or did to get them to stop. Minho laughed it off and said how they probably looked like toads so they hid behind a computer to make themselves feel better. The younger admired him for getting through that.

It didn't take long for him to find his friend in the outdoor courtyard that the dorm had. He was glad the other didn't go very far.

"Lee Minho, what do you think you are doing?" The said boy jolted up from the unexpected shout. He was sat on a small bench hidden next to an overgrown bush, seeming to want to be hidden.

"Go back, Ji. I'll be fine, just need a minute." Tears were glistening lightly on his face and Jisung could tell that he was really hurting.

"Bubs, please talk to me?" Jisung tries, walking over to the seated boy and proceeding to sit in front of him on the ground as it was a one person seat.

"What happened? Everyone is worried."

Minho has his legs tucked into his chest as his chin rests on his knees. The younger could see that he was trying to figure out how to put his thoughts into words and Jisung kept silent to show that he would wait.

"I think I'm in love with Hyunjin, and not in a fan/idol relationship either." He speaks quietly while looking at the ground.

Jisung frowns from confusion. "Well, what's wrong with that?"

"What's wrong? A lot is wrong with it. He sees me as the fan who tweets crazy and bold stuff. He probably sees this as an opportunity to gain attention and flattery. I'm in love with him, but he just uses me to flirt. I hate men, ugh."

Jisung looks at Minho for a second, trying to see if he meant what he was saying. "Minho, you're a big dummy, you know that?"

This response causes the older to send a look of offense and confusion.

The younger brushes it off and continues what he means. "Anyone can see that that boy is so in love with you. The other night when we all had dinner together, before we all moved in, I was talking to him about you. Nothing crazy, just stuff about our friendship. Anytime I would mention you, he would look over to where you sat and admire you as if you put the stars in the sky."

Jisung recalls how he kept poking fun at Hyunjin that night because of how many times he would catch the other staring and how he would blush each time it was mentioned. He remembers how Jeongin even said that it was clear the other had feelings for their best friend.

"I don't want to get hurt. The last time I put my all into someone and gave them my heart, they beat it to a pulp and left me feeling humiliated and used. Hyunjin just likes to flirt and it's making me confused. He needs to stop leading me on if he doesn't mean anything from it." Minho states, staring at his friend with sad eyes.

Jisung wanted to coo at the pout forming on the other's face and squish him in a hug, so that's exactly what he did.

"Minho, I think you need to talk to Hyunjin. He really likes you and I can tell he's being genuine. What if, shamelessly flirting is his way of trying to get you to give him your attention and what if it's part of his love language, how he shows he's interested in you?"

The older doesn't answer, but instead looks down at the ground. Jisung knew that Minho knew he was right, but he was being stubborn. "Min, let's go back. If not for me, do it for the the babies. Jeongin and Felix don't want you to be out here, sad and upset."

He lets out a small laugh at the mention of his other two best friends. So, he gets up and drags his feet alongside Jisung back into the dorms.

"Also, if you ever need, I will happily beat Hyunjin up if he doesn't take your feelings seriously. Stabby stabby, Min, stabby stabby."

This causes a laugh to slip out of the older's mouth. "No, Ji. No 'stabby stabby' today. Or actually any day."

"That's so lame, though." The two laugh as they walk back, letting the distractions overcome the previous events.

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