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The moment the plane hit the runway for landing, Felix could feel his heart start beating quicker.

He never in a million years thought he would be doing something like this. It was really happening.

His patience was wearing thin quickly with the passengers taking their time getting off the plane before him. If they knew he was meeting his online best friend for the very first time, they would move. Or, at least he hopes they would.

He started bouncing slightly in place. His row wasn't going to move for at least another ten minutes and he was stuck in the window seat. So, of course, he wasn't getting off any time soon.

After counting the moving heads in front of him, it was finally his turn to walk. Luck seemed like it didn't want to be on his side because his suit case decided to get stuck in the overhead compartment that it was in. He groans while tugging at the suitcase.

"Please, come on," he says quietly to himself.

A hand reaches over him and helps him pull out his suitcase. "Here, kid."

"Ah! Thank you so much!" He quickly thanks the guy that helped him, not bothering to look and then quickly zooms off the plane.

The moment he stepped out of the passage way into the terminal, he began to feel overwhelmed. He never liked getting off the airplane because there was always a large amount of people waiting at the gate for the next plane. The self conscious feeling always ate him up, even though those people didn't pay him any mind.

All of the bustle around him did spike his energy a bit. He was in Korea. It was always something he wanted to do ever since he was a kid. He wanted to visit where his parents grew up before they went to Australia.

After walking for some time in the direction he had hoped was the right way, Felix began to realize that he had no clue where he was. There were a lot of signs in English, but honestly, they still didn't help him at all.


innie's lixie
i'm lost

i'll come rescue you
what do you see around you

innie's lixie
a mcdonalds
and a starbucks
ooh! the tourist store!

you're on the other side of the building
dw stay where you are


Felix decided that Jisung was right in having him stay there. This place was a maze and he definitely knew he would end up in another person's car on accident. That wasn't what he wanted.

He sat down on some chairs and decided to play around on his phone to occupy his mind. Hopefully, Jisung would find him quickly. Excitement grew in him and the butterflies in his stomach started swarming at the thought of him meeting his Ji soon. It was happening and Felix was so giddy about it.

After what seemed liked a half an hour, Felix could hear someone shout his name. When he looked up, he saw someone run up to him. He drops his phone next to his bag and jumps up to catch the flying boy coming his way.





Felix blushed at that. They were wrapped in a tight hug like they promised they would. The butterflies in his stomach before were now more aggressive. Felix's face was nestled in the other's neck and his hands tightened around Jisung's shirt, scrunching it up in his fists.

When they let go, a small part of Felix felt sad, but he told himself it would be too weird to keep hugging him in the middle of the airport like this.

"Wow, you exist. Also, your voice! It's so deep, holy shit. I was not expecting that. You have freckles, too!" The older boy's eyes lit up like a christmas tree when he discovered his freckles.

Felix blushes as Jisung lightly pokes the freckles that scatter his face. He always got a little self conscious with them, but with the way the boy in front of him admired them as if they were the stars in the sky, Felix couldn't help feeling proud.

There was a warm feeling growing inside of him as he realized the closeness between them. His heart would not calm down and all he wanted to do was just reach over and hug him again.

"So, how was the flight? Did you sleep at all?"

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