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Felix felt his heart racing. He couldn't believe that he had just done that. Indirectly, Jisung knew how he felt and it was out there finally. All that was left was making sure the older reciprocated the feelings.

After what seemed like hours, a knock sounded at the door. His feet seemed to freeze in place as the reality of the situation dawned on him.

He couldn't do this.

However, he knew he just had to rip the bandaid off. This is what he wants so all he had to do was be courageous and find out if Jisung wanted to make something more out of their friendship.

Easy right? Not easy. His feet stayed in place even though Jisung knocked a second time. All that was going on in his brain was pretty much the equivalent to tv static.

Okay, he just needs to breathe and open the door. Finally, his brain regains control of his feet and soon enough he eases the door open.

A wide eyed, squirrelly Jisung stands there. He looks cuter than ever, Felix thinks to himself.

"Can I come in or are we just going to stand in the hall while you check me out?" The boy in front of him chuckles at the bashful reaction he received from the Aussie.

Felix quickly opens the door wider, allowing access to the older, who immediately runs to belly flop on the bed. It was nerve wrecking to see his friend, but at the same time he was happy to have him back over.

"So," Jisung lies on his back, looking over at the younger, who was still standing. He pats the space on the bed beside him and Felix complies, lying down next to the other.

It was quiet for a moment, but nothing too awkward. Or at least Felix hoped.

"You know, I'm kinda relieved. Also, still in disbelief." Jisung says, breaking the silence.

Felix turns his head towards him in response. His face resembled a confused puppy and Jisung wanted to coo at that.

"I'm trying to say I like you too, idiot."

Felix's eyes widen. He didn't know why he was this surprised since he figured it already, but actually hearing it was different. "So, like does this mean we can hold hands and be cute together?"

Jisung bursts out laughing. "We do that already! You're always cute and your hand is irresistible. Although, I would like it if we could do that and be boyfriends at the same time."

All that Felix could manage was a bashful smile and a small nod. It wasn't a lot, but the response was enough to cause Jisung to shout in celebration.

Excitement bubbled up in the two boys as they stared happily at each other, still laying across from each other on their sides. They both took the time to admire each other, getting lost in the other's eyes as if time didn't matter to them. All that did matter was that they were finally together officially.

"It's getting late," Felix states while taking a quick glance at his phone's clock. "Do you want to just stay over? We can go together to JYPE tomorrow."

Jisung nods, "If that's okay with you? I'm really lazy and I also really just want to cuddle you right now. I don't want to move from this bed."

The other's request makes Felix giggle and move so they could intertwine themselves into each other. It felt like home to the younger and he had never been happier.

"I like this a lot better. You're cute and cuddly!" Jisung quickly plants a soft kiss on the freckled boy's forehead which causes more giggles to erupt out of him. Jisung decides that's the best sound to ever exist.

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