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Waking up early, the two of you had already packed your bags and got ready to leave back to your lives apart. However, you knew that you would keep in touch, but it was going to be extremely difficult to not get on a plane to see each other.

"Ready angel?" Kaminari tapped your shoulders as he caught you gazing at the beach, deep in thought. It was like you were both conflicted and sad from the look on your pretty face. It was a face he could stare at for hours without saying a word, yet he knew you would be pissed if you missed your flight home.

Multiple times he had caught you answering work emails, but he'd not minded too much. In the end, he would cook, whilst you chilled but he had known full well, you had been far from chilled out.

"Sorry, I was miles away," scratching your head nervously, Kami just smiled in return as the two of you made your way to the airport. Since your plane was free that was going to be your mode of transport, whereas Kaminari was flying first class on a regular plane.

As the taxi pulled up to the airport, Kaminari got the luggage out for you.

"There you go," smiling at you it was clear that neither of you was happy for the last two weeks to have ended.

"Thanks," smiling, you took the handle your hand gently grazing his. Not sure what came over you, you let go of the handle and took his hand in yours, whilst grabbing the case with your free one.

Kaminari blushed at first, the fact you were holding his hand. It was an innocent gesture, alas he knew just how much of a big step this was for you in public. It was unlike any press would be here though, so he assumed that is why you were being so carefree. It wasn't true though; it was a popular airport for celebrities to fly to and from if they wanted privacy.

Kaminari wasn't wearing anything to cover his identity, the blond hair with its signature black lightning streak was clearly visible accompanied by his huge smile. Luckily, you were so used to making sure you didn't stand out, you had a hat and dark shades on. The only way someone would know it was you, would be if they got a close enough picture or a picture at the right angle.

Making your way into the airport hand in hand, the reporter was trying not to get spotted, but he felt this was a scoop he couldn't miss out on. Something about the smile on Kaminari's face and the look in eyes made it noticeably clear, that whoever the woman was, it was true love.

The reporter could remember him looking that way once before but couldn't quite place his finger on who it was with, but it was an ex-girlfriend. Unaware that the person that had ever made him look so madly in love was you, the person currently holding his hand.

"So... when will I see you again?" Kaminari's voice brought you back to your senses, slightly, as you still did not let go.

"Oh...ermm the hen does and stag do I guess?" glancing at him out the corner of your eye, it was clear from the hurt puppy look, that he didn't want to wait that long. "I guess. If I could rearrange some work...or something. I might be able to visit sooner," that was all he needed, he didn't care if you pushed away right now. Pulling you into his body, his arms wrapping around your frame, as he ducked under your hat kissing you with such passion.

The reporter was having a field day with pictures, that the two of you had no clue. In the reporter's mind, if he kept snapping maybe he would get you at the angle he needed to zoom in. As you pulled away, the two of you just smirked at one another before he turned and headed towards his check-in.

Alternatively, as you went to walk away the reporter didn't manage to get a picture as you turned since a bodyguard had arrived to walk you to your check-in. Denying the nosey reporter of his chance to get a picture. Instead, he prayed that he'd got a good enough picture of the two of you as you pulled away from an extremely fiery kiss.

Of course, it wasn't long until you were sat on your private plane when your phone pinged.

Pika - Miss you already xxx

A huge smile formed on your face; it was exactly the same thing you were about to type the canary blonde hunk.

Angel - Took the words out of my mouth xxx

Angel - have a safe flight. Let me know when u land. 😘 xxx

Pika - U'll be the 1st to no xxx

With that, you put your phone on aeroplane mood and snuggled up on the chair as the plane ascended into the sky, images of the last two weeks running through your mind. The times you played in the sea, cooked together on the few occasions you helped, the times you made love and the way you always woke up first to see the huge smile on the peaceful Denki Kaminari's face.

Kaminari had to wait for his flight, but as he sat there looking through the pictures on his phone the turmoil of missing you began to set in wondering if he'd have to wait long to see you again. If you would take the time to come and visit him, being the workaholic that you were.

Eventually, his plane arrived but he slept the whole way back apart from the few times the air hostess woke him to eat. It was clear that the attendant was flirting with him, but he ignored it, not even perving at the beautiful woman, as there was only one in the world that he wanted to attend him.

When the plane landed, he made his way through passport control to see the two familiar faces of his best friends stood waiting. Bakugou looked pissed to be there and Kirishima was waving with a huge grin on his face, both of them with the same question.

"So, dumbass how was your fuckin' holiday?" Bakugou beat Kirishima to the punch.

"Magical...sad that it's ended." the reality of not seeing you kicked in again.

"Well don't look so fuckin' sad 'bout it," curious red eyes looked at the blonde.

"I'm not sad about it," Kaminari pouted as Kirishima placed a caring manly arm around his friend's shoulder.

"Missin' her already?" the shark-toothed redhead, hit the nail on the head, as Kami looked glum.

"Geez, cheer the fuck up...you best have brought me a fuckin' souvenir for picking your sorry ass up," the ash-blonde groaned, making the red and blonde chuckle.

"Yeh I did ass hat," Kaminari laughed, thanking Bakugou's bluntness for getting him out of his funk before grabbing his phone.

Pika - Landed but I'm missin' an Angel! T_T xxx

Angel - Glad ur safe! I'm missin' my Pikapika too T_T xxx

After that the two of you were constantly texting and calling each other, checking in no matter the time of day it was but the two of you knew the schedule of the other like the back of your hands. A gossip mag had published the picture of two of you kissing but it was title 'Denki 'Chargebolt' Kaminari new girlfriend is it love or just a fling with a mystery girl?'

Of course, there were only a few people in the whole world that knew and as far as you were aware, it was only yourself and Kaminari that knew. When it was published, as a joke you called him pretending to be mad that he was caught with some floozy. Kaminari knew straight away you were playing stating that was she was a real Kinky bitch and that he missed her like crazy.

What he did say though, just before you both hung up though was words that sunk deep within your heart though.

"It's love though...not a fling...love you babe see you soon," before you could respond, he hung up. Kaminari wasn't you wanting to respond because you felt you had to, he wanted you to tell him when you truly meant it.

The thing was he was going to have to wait to hear it for a while, however, a week later towards the end of the football season. After watching so many of the guy's games on the TV you decided that it was about time that you went to watch a game live, whilst also surprising a certain blonde...and not just Kaminari. 

****Thank you for reading!***

***Sorry for the delays I have a lot going on at the moment that I'm writing when I can. It's nothing bad guys, all good stuff hopefully, I'll be able to fill you in on the exciting thing later in the year but I still have stuff to do before then!***

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