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The next few days went the same way as the previous. In the day you would visit people and at night you'd go back to Kaminari's, spending the night lost in each other's company before eventually, you had to go back home.

Reluctant to leave and Kaminari not wanting to say goodbye, yet both of you knew that in just another month it would be the hen and stag do in Vegas. Meaning you would be seeing each other and then after that was the wedding itself. The plan was to stay with Kaminari during the run-up to the wedding since he lived in the same area as the others. It was convenient if they ever wanted to see each other, which they still did a lot.

Getting dressed that morning, Kaminari lay in the bed watching you as you run around making sure you'd not forgotten anything important.

"Ya know you could always leave a pair of those sexy undies again if ya wanna," the blonde in the bed smirked up at you, the memory of the first time you'd ever met popping into your head.

"I guess I could. I never did get that pair back." a smirk plastered your lips making the man watching chuckle.

"They're my lucky charm," grinning from ear to ear, you didn't have the heart to take them back after so long.

"Oh yeh. Then I'm taking these as a lucky charm," grabbing the closest pair of black and yellow Calvins, it made the man laugh harder.

"You can have anything you want angel," a sincere smile crossed the handsome face making you blush slightly and mumbling.

"You," it wasn't audible for the blonde to hear, get your face was ablaze from the embarrassment that you quickly turned away, continuing to pack your case.

"What was that?" hearing the bed covers rustling behind you before two strong arms wrapped around your curves, the bare bits of skin rubbing of the tiny bits you had revealed. "I couldn't hear your sweet voice," his hot breath was against your ear, your insides beginning to boil up in the excitement, but you had no time for anything your flight was soon.

"I said...I'll miss you," glancing behind you into the golden orbs so close to your face they looked over your flushed face. Looking to see if that was truly what you said and assumed that you would blush at something like that, so dropped it but a bigger grin crossing his lips.

"I'll miss you too, Angel. I'll see you in a month though as much as it will pain me," kissing your cheek, it was clear that he would also miss you. All you could think was that you were glad he wasn't that smart at picking up on actual feelings.

"That's true. I can't wait but right now. I'm gonna miss you ok Pika," resting your head against his, you were trying to be honest as your arms clung to his. Without another word, the two of you were on the bed, as Kaminari just held you in his arms. It was like he was never going to see you again, something about the way he held made you want to stay. The thought crossed your mind that you could indeed move home and hire someone to cover the business in London most of the time.

However, that tiny part of you, that sliver of fear of rejection held you from saying it aloud. Kaminari held the same fear, he loved you with all his heart and was willing to wait for you to tell him first, but he wasn't sure if you ever truly would love him or if you did if you would truly act on your feelings.

"Come on. You'll be late and blame me," chuckling, it was a forced noise as Kaminari didn't want you to leave.

"That's true," a forced giggle left your lips. A part of you wanted him to tell you, to stay, that he didn't want you to leave. If those words left his lips right now, then maybe things would turn out differently.

Yet, he didn't, and you left his home. The two of you had exchanged keys to one another's houses that week but it wasn't something that would get used right now. It was a step forward for both of you, in your mind though, you were deciding if this was your chance to be loved and love in return.

Deep down you pushed that feeling, a feeling that you didn't want or wasn't ready to admit to anyone else. It was that you were madly in love with Denki Kaminari and yet whenever you wanted to say the words, whether vocally or via message, you stopped or erased it.

Over the next month though the two of you spoke as much as you possibly could or sending messages. It was never dry, you both always had something to say or tell the other one. Even if it was about having beans on toast for dinner, or what type of shower gel Kaminari had changed too.

When the time finally came to meet them in Vegas, everyone you spoke to could see just how giddy you were to be going. Lisanna had now had the baby, so came to see you regularly. Every time you looked at her little one, something in your clenched. It was jealousy that you didn't have that yet, married with a little one.

As much as you denied it you wanted it. A reoccurring nightmare you would have was walking down the aisle and Kaminari standing there waiting for you, alas no matter how much you walked, ran, or sprinted down the aisle your hand never reached him. Many a night you would wake up, a sweaty panicked mess.

However, you'd forgotten the dream completely when the first person you saw as you walked out after picking your luggage was Kaminari.

Forgetting where you were, forgetting if there would be anyone else there you ran to him. Even though shocked at the sudden movement from you. Kaminari opened his arms, wrapping them around your body as you jumped into them instantly your lips melted into his.

The two of you making out passionately before a cough at the side of you made you freeze. As your eyes came into contact with two sets of red eyes, belonging to the blondes two best friends.

For a second you froze, not knowing what to do as Kaminari put you on your feet.

"We already saw it months ago sweetcheeks," Bakugou snorted a laugh at your face.

"Don't worry, it wouldn't be manly if we told people your secret," Kirishima winked. However, the look on your face was empty as you grabbed your suitcase glancing at Kaminari.

"Who else knows...why didn't you tell?" the annoyed tone was clear to the three men. Kaminari was gobsmacked, he'd not done anything wrong, you had been the one to jump on him, but you were angry at him for some reason.

"Stop being a bitch. This is why he didn't tell you," Bakugou snapped, "Get your shit together. Let's go," the angry ash-blonde grabbed your suitcase off you, pulling Kirishima with him as you stood there with Kaminari.

"Let me explain," the timid, but slightly annoyed blonde stated as the two of you followed the others to the car. After Kaminari explained how and when they found out, yet instead of apologising for your cold behaviour, you said nothing but as soon as you were around the other members of hen and stag parties you distanced yourself from the blonde.

'Fuck sake! Will she ever accept me?' Kaminari sighed in defeat not sure if he could actually handle this side of you as much as he thought he could.

'What am I doin'? It's not his fault. Why am I such a fuckin' idiot?' the reason you were distancing yourself wasn't that you were angry with him, it because of how embarrassed you were at the way you'd spoken to him.

Not sure how to say sorry, but you wouldn't be able to really speak to him until the day of the joint night out as you had to focus on Mina the bride to be's needs and not your own right now.

Would the misunderstanding strain the already tense relationship or would Kaminari understand? You weren't sure but you hoped that he would understand. 

***Thank you for reading!***

***So the next chapter will be at the joint hen and stag what gonna happen?***

I do, Pikachu! Kaminari Ending to Kinky Little Rich GirlWhere stories live. Discover now