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Kaminari's car was a bright yellow and black Chevy C7, which could be spotted anywhere since the black was in the style of lightning bolts. It was easy to spot in a crowd, of course, when he'd offered the lift you didn't mind but now you were kind of nervous that you were going to get spotted.

 It was easy to spot in a crowd, of course, when he'd offered the lift you didn't mind but now you were kind of nervous that you were going to get spotted

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"Sorry babe, I didn't even think," Kaminari was nervous but you just smiled as you stepped into the car.

"It's good. I have a cap," placing the cap on your head low, the fair-haired hunk sighed in relief that you weren't pushing him away, instead, you were going to let him drive you somewhere.

"Want me to order food in later?" Kaminari added as you glanced over, thinking for a second you shook your head.

"Nah. How about, I cook for us?" glancing over, the blonde was grinning from ear to ear. "I think I remember what kinda foods you like," trying to act cool, but you knew exactly what the blonde loved to eat.

"Sounds good. I'll pick some booze up, but I can't get wasted," sighing at the realisation that he had training tomorrow. "Training," groaning it made you giggle as you couldn't take your eyes off him.

"That's cool. I'm heading back home tomorrow afternoon anyway," moving your hand to his lap as he drove, the yellow eyes focusing on the road glanced to you before back to the road.

"That's a shame," sighing in disappointment at your short visit.

"I know but you gotta focus on work and I'll see you in just over a month for the wedding of the decade!" pumping your hand in the air. It was clear to Kaminari that wound was still open, after finding out that Kirishima and Mina had been practising proposing to you the night you walked out on them.

"I dunno about the best wedding. It's gonna be good but I duno, I can think of a better one," Kaminari wasn't pushing, but he was speaking the truth. The only wedding he was interested in, would be the one to you.

"To be fair...Camie and Bakugou getting married could be a good wedding," smiling nervously, whilst trying to play dumb but also secretly feeling the same.

"Ha, that's right. Doubt he would grow the balls to ask her though," Kaminari not pushing the subject although feeling somewhat dejected at your deflection.

"I doubt he will. I bet you Camie will ask him on a leap year and he will shit the bed or cry," that made the both of you chuckle at the thought of the woman proposing to the fiery ash blonde, who sneezed elsewhere.

The rest of the journey was a little quiet and tense before the restaurant was in sight. Kaminari wanted to talk about your future together, but you had only really been dating again for about 6 to 7 months if you counted the time that not seen each other.

It was a long-distance relationship, but he was struggling with it. Even debating asking if you wanted to move in with him or seeing if you would want to at least live together during his offseason. Truth be told, he was worrying that if he mentioned anything that you would run a mile like you had so many times.

The car pulled up as you smiled at Kaminari the tension was almost killer, that you practically leapt out of the car when it parked. Then you realised how childish you were being and got back into the car.

"I'm sorry, Denki," glancing briefly at the man before looking away. "I'm just nervous...what if you know I break your heart again," still it went back to you breaking his heart, the memory of college sinking back in like a dagger.

"We've broken each other's hearts. Remember," feeling a reassuring hand on your lap, your glistening eyes turned towards the blond in question.

"I know but..." before you could finish, warm lips softly embraced yours swallowing your words of self-doubt and reminding you of what was in front of you, not the things from the past. Pulling away, the glittering gold eyes full of warmth, looked into your trembling (e/c) ones.

"I'm goin' at your pace...one day, I hope that we're looking at cake...venues and amazing wedding bands. Right now, though... let's take it one step at a time. No rushing," smiling widely, it hid his true feelings, but he wouldn't let you see his desperation for you to spend your life with him. Not wanting to seem needy, or clingy. It was the complete opposite of what he usually was, but you always brought out more in him than he knew how to deal with.

Instead, he locked his true feelings down and told himself that he was happy with the long-distance relationship until you were ready to move in. However, something locked away isn't going to go away, eventually, it would burst open wide if his own needs weren't fulfilled.

"You're the best, Denks," leaning forward you kiss him softly. "I best get in there before my dad loses it," smirking that made him laugh.

"Sure. See ya later babe," grinning he watched as you get out of his car and walk towards the restaurant, turning to wave before vanishing in the side.

"Will you marry me?" the words left his lips as his forehead rested against the steering wheel in dejection. After a few moments, trying to compose himself he decided to see if the guys were free to just chat or just chill.

Meanwhile, walking into the restaurant your dad was easy to spot as he waved you over to the table. Waltzing over quickly to take a seat, you smile nervously at your dad who just had his usual smile on his face.

"Late night?" he questioned as you chuckled nervously, scratching the back of your neck that was littered with bite marks. The man's blue eyes noticed them but made no comment since he knew exactly who you'd spent the night with. As did most of those who knew you, but made no inclination to know, that the two of you were, in fact, an item.

"You could say that" a nervous laugh left your lips before the waiter came taking your orders.

For the rest of the meal, you acted like nothing had happened before you went to visit your family home where your stuff was. It was nice to see Sebastian, Grell, the triplets as well as the others.

Around 4 pm you advised that you would be spending the night in a hotel due to going out with some friends for the night before your flight tomorrow. No one questioned it, knowing exactly where you would be actually spending the night.

Popping to the store, you got all the ingredients for the night at Kaminari's before making your way to his house. Pressing the buzzer to his gate, he buzzed you in and was waiting at the door when you parked up before coming to help you with your stuff.

"I should get you a key. That way you can stop whenever you want," it was a small comment, instantly Kaminari regretted saying it. Alas to his surprise, your answer shocked him.

"I should get you a key to my house as well," smiling softly, before you entered his house leaving the canary blonde stood in a daze before running after you. 

***Thank you for reading***

***Hope you're enjoying this ending!***

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