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Getting to the airport Kaminari drove the four "Have fun," he hadn't really been able to face them after what had happened with you at the hotel.

"Maybe you should come?" Kirishima stated through the tension. "It's her private plane" the redhead added, only to get a tap from his wife.

"What the fuck Kiri?" Mina spat out in rage, a rare feature on the pink-haired women's beautiful features.

"He could apologise in person," Kirishima seemed to be the only one that would speak to him, knowing that the blonde did actually have some feeling towards you. At the hotel he had made his way to the hotel to stop you, but then his action after made it so Kirishima couldn't defend him.

"I don't have anything with me, and well I don't want to see her," Kaminari commented but his face said differently. If there was anything he wanted more in the world, it was to push his stupid pride to one side and say sorry.

"What, because you dated that actual little slut that ruined your chance at happiness?" this was Bakugou's input, still seething with the blonde.

"Geez I get it I fucked up...she won't take me back now," Kaminari groaned, he knew there was no point lying to the guys he'd known for so long.

"Why don't you grow a pair and try?" Camie added, "The plane won't leave till we're on it right? I bet you do have a suitcase as you're most likely going somewhere, fam."

The blonde woman was right as she glanced from him to the boot of his car.

"Fuck sake..." all Kaminari could do was pout, before arranging someone to park his car, before grabbing his bag, "Didn't she say she wouldn't be there though?" they looked at him all with a wicked grin on their faces.

"Yeh but luckily for you. Lisanna is currently trying to persuade her otherwise" Mina butted in as the five made their way to your plane.

Meanwhile, you had tidied the house from top to bottom, filled the fridge before you packed your case to leave. That's when Lisanna and Bickslow came round, "Hey boss, got a minute?" the white-haired woman questioned.

"Not really," sighing as you lug the heavy case down the stairs.

"It's a work-related issue with the outfits" that made you glare, as you were completely unaware of any issues, especially this close to the show.

"What?" an inhuman shriek left your lips, grabbing the fake paperwork.

After an hour, you explain what needed to change as Lisanna nodded, quickly leaving. So lost in work, you hadn't realised it had taken so long. Taking a step out onto the large drive you place your suitcase in the boot of the car. Getting in the car, as you go to drive away, the limo blocks the exit.

"You've got to be kidding me!" growling in frustration before reversing back into the drive.

Sitting in the car, you wait for it to move but it doesn't budge an inch. Jumping out the car you walk over not caring considering you were already so tense from there being a (fake) issue with the outfits.

"What the fuck are you doing pull up to the fucking house already?" yelling at the poor driver, who was only doing as he had been told.

"Sorry Miss Yagi." the man worried, however, he'd been given clear instructions by one of the only two people you'd listen to. "But your dad said I can't let you leave," the man nervous, yet you storm to the car grabbing your bag out the boot and stamping back in the house.

"Man....I think I may lose my dick," Kaminari gulped after seeing your mood.

"This house" they all comment it was huge.

I do, Pikachu! Kaminari Ending to Kinky Little Rich GirlWhere stories live. Discover now