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After checking in, you decided to message Kaminari, the tension in the car was so thick it could have been cut with a knife.

Angel - Can we meet up? xx

Lying back on the luxurious bed, an exasperated sigh left your lips as you stared up at the ceiling. Waiting for a response and the disappointment when you got it.

Pika - Sorry Angel. I'm out now. See ya xx

It wasn't like you expected him to drop anything for you, especially the way you'd snapped at him but a part of you regretted not apologising straight away. Fortunately, you didn't have too long to mope around since your room was invaded by Mina, Kyoka, Momo, Tsu, Camie, Nejire, Ochacho and Toru.

The party was officially starting in your room it seemed as the girl had their outfits, makeup and plenty of bottle of bubbly to get the night started. It was going according to plan, with only one problem, no matter how much you tried you couldn't get Kaminari off your mind.

Part of you was a little jealous, knowing that it was most likely that Bakugou had booked a strip club to make the groom be, to go bright red and embarrassed for the ash blonde's entertainment.

A little part of you was jealous that some random woman would most likely be grinding over your man's crotch tonight. When all you'd wanted was to spend every night in his hotel room if you could. Yet, it seemed like that most likely wouldn't be the case, since that stubborn part of you didn't message him once whilst your night unfolded.

In the back of your mind, you didn't want to seem clingy, wanting him to have a good time at his friend's stag do. That's why you thought that he'd also not messaged you, wanting to also not seem clingy. The problem was, Bakugou had taken Kaminari's phone off him, when he caught him trying to message you. Calling him an idiot for letting you speak to him in such a way, when in fact he had done nothing wrong.

Both of you pining for each other, you drank and drank and drank. When Kaminari did eventually persuade Bakugou that he was over it, that he wasn't going to message. He was far too drunk to text you. At 2 am, the following message came from Kaminari.


The thing was, you weren't much better yourself, # you weren't even aware of the fact that you had openly admitted to Mina about your relationship with Kaminari when you ended up on a joint toilet trip.

Angel - LOUVRE AOU 22 xxx

Was the response that you sent back a little more readable than Kaminari's but still not readable for a very hungover blonde that next day.

Lying in his hotel bed, for some reason, it felt extremely empty, as the whole plan was that you would give each other the spare keys to your rooms so that you could sneak in. That had not happened though.

Turning onto his side, not sure if he was going to vomit, shit the bed or piss himself. A large sigh left his lips, wondering if you'd had a good night, wondering if you had male strippers all over you since in Kaminari's eyes you would have been the most beautiful woman in the club.

Of course, he'd had a dance, but it had meant nothing. The girl didn't do anything for him and the only reason he had it, was to seem as though he was being his usual fun-loving self. If he'd not done the things the old Kaminari would have done, then the other guys may get suspicious, as well as Kirishima worrying that one of his best friends wasn't having a nice time at his stag do.

Tearing his aching body from the bed, the blonde made his way to the bathroom and doing all three of the things he had felt like would happen if not vacating the soft comfort of the sheets. Cleaning up before looking up into the mirror, the gold orbs of his handsome face looked worn out and dull. They never sparkled more than when they saw you within them, but he doubted he would see you in the dining hall for breakfast.

Before lingering too much on the thought, a knock at the door brought him back out of his daze. Dragging the rigid form of his body to the door, a little bit excited, thinking it maybe you, however, the disappointment clear on his face as Bakugou stood there.

"Oi Dunce, you comin' to fuckin' breakfast or what?" it wasn't as loud as Bakugou normally was, and the look on the ash blonde's face held the resemblance of his own, but not as haggard.

"Aye, I'll slip some threads on," groaning he walked back into his room, the door closing behind him as he heard Bakugou grumbling about something as he walked down the corridor. Before long, the blonde walked down to join the guys at breakfast but was surprised to see that some of the girls were sat at the table.

Unfortunately, you weren't among the girls and neither was Mina or Camie. Something in the pit of Kaminari's stomach didn't like the fact that you three, in particular, weren't down here. After all, Mina was your ex-girlfriend, a little part of Kaminari thought that if they asked, you'd be the second bride in the wedding within 2 weeks' time.

Just as Kaminari woke up, feeling like he'd been hit with a truck you woke in much the same state. Your mind a little fuzzy on the details of the night before, the only problem was, in your bed, you weren't alone as two sets of arms were wrapped around your waist.

Instantly, you sat up in shock at the thought that you'd been that annoyed to cheat on Kaminari with no memory of even showing any guys you were interested in them. Not daring to look at the people next to you as you put your head in your hands covering your face, trying to remember the events of last night.

'Think (f/n)!' angry at yourself, the events of the night before came flashing back. Drinking, while getting ready, then you had a reservation at a strip club. Mina as well as yourself was pulled up on stage. The guy gyrated on you as you played along, trying to appear to be having fun. Then more drinks were had, then the same strips met up with the party later on and that's when your mind goes blank.

"5 more minutes," a groan next to you, a familiar voice. Slowly uncovering one of your eyes revealed messy pink locks on one side and glancing to the other was fawn soft hair. Glancing down all three of you were still fully dressed and there was definitely some type of food smooshed into the sheets.

"No, get your ass up. I think I'm gonna vom," instantly the two girls eyes arms released you, for fear of being puked on. After about 10 mins, you exited the bedroom looking like death and the two girls not really looking much better.

"Coffee!!!" Camie groaned as the three of you nodded you chucked some of your clothes to the girls to lend before the three of you departed your room looking for the drink of the God's. That delicious life source that you were all within dire need of. There was no way that the three of you would be able to communicate what happened last night until you had consumed at least 3 cups of the healing potion.

As you walked into the dining hall all three of you looking like you'd been dragged through a bush backwards, wearing last night make with very grumpy looking expressions on your faces the group that you were with began to mutter amongst the table about last night's antics.

However, unknowing, as if your body had some kind of magnet you sat right in the seat next to Kaminari. Glancing at the blonde you didn't think again, as you lay your head on his shoulder and looking longingly at his coffee waiting for someone to bring you one.

"Mornin' angel," it was only when Kaminari hushed tones made you sit back up glancing at the table looking at you before you got up quickly to grab a coffee. Since it was a help yourself. As you got up, everyone watched the eyes of the blonde follow you before downing his coffee and walking after you to refill his own cup.

"Well, you look like shit," there was a hint of annoyance in the voice of the blonde, as it whispered in your ear. However, you wanted more than anything to curl up in his arms, so doing something out of character. As your coffee cup was being filled you gripped his wrists, wrapping his arms around your body before leaning back into his torso, as you looked up into his eyes. They changed from the hostility they held a moment ago and melted into a much warmer look.

"You look like shit to Pika. You short circuit?" a smug look crossed your face as the blonde leant down, placing his lips on your forehead as before chuckling. 

***Thank you for reading!***

***Oh dear just day one of the 4 days hen and stag do...How will the rest go?***

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