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As expected Kaminari made a great Toadstool, and you made a fantastic Luigi. Of course, Bakugou was Mario, since he was the main character, and you couldn't be arsed to argue with him. The fake moustache was annoying, but you got used to it after a little while. It was strange, for some reason you couldn't help but make sure that you would be stood next to Kaminari in any photos that were taken during the day.

Laughing, hug and doing stupid stuff with the blond like a cute couple would that had been dating for a while. No holding back trying to act normal when you don't know your lover very well. Everyone had noticed it, Todoroki had questioned Bakugou at one point and all he had said was to not ask you or Kaminari about it and to keep his damn icy-hot nose out of other people's business.

For the first time since your holiday, the two of you acted like a couple without kissing and in your eyes, being obvious that you were dating. Kaminari was currently on cloud 9 not having to make the move for your attention like usual.

As the day's events came to a close, Mina and Kirishima were having a blast thank you, Bakugou, Kami and Camie for planning such a perfect day. Even if Bakugou had tried to crash his car into Midoriya standing at the side talking to his husband and wife.

When it came time to get ready for the meal at Yukihira's restaurant everyone was in high spirits. What you hadn't told anyone is that you had asked Soma to reserve the whole place just for you guys without letting even Bakugou know this detail. Your ex-lover agreed with no hesitation, telling you he would contact the manager of that Restaurant, having multiple across the world nowadays.

Standing in the lobby of the hotel, all of you dressed in Mario costumes you huddle up as you took charge of the details.

"Right. You need to be back here at 7 pm as we have cars coming to pick us up to arrive in style at the restaurant," smiling brightly, Kaminari was stuck to your side at this point. "Remember we will be going from here to the casinos, anything you need, bring with you. Lastly, do not be late! I'm looking at you Mr and Mrs Kirishima." glaring at the two dressed as Bowser and Princess Peach. They had a good 2 hours to get whatever kinky role play game they had in mind out of their systems.

As soon as you finished speaking the two were practically running towards their room to get ready and take advantage of the little bit of downtime. Everyone just laughed shaking their head.

"Well, what's everyone stood here for...go get ready," smirking at the group you start walking towards the elevator as do a few others.

"Luigi, want me to come to your mansion and get rid of some ghosts?" the hot breath on your neck in the elevator as Kaminari whispered in your ear. Not responding but nodding, believing no one else had actually heard, but in fact, Jiro had.

When it got to his stop, the blonde toadstool vacated the elevator with a few others leaving you with Bakugou and Camie. It was clear that Camie was dying to say something to you, but Bakugou was giving her evils.

"What's up with you too?" smirking at the gorgeous couple.

"Oh, I don't know? You just look like a super happy girl?" Camie tilted her head to the side, placing a teasing finger on her lips. It was clear what she was implying and for once you didn't reject the theory as the door binged to your floor.

"What can I say? I may have caught myself a Pikachu," glancing smug at the couple you skipped out of the lift leaving the couple to pick their jaws up off the floor. In your head, you had decided that you were going to become official to the World after the wedding next week but decided to speak to Kaminari about it over the week in case he let it slip, later on today. There was no doubt going to be a lot of booze flowing, so you were staying on the side of caution. A little part of you was nervous that he was still going to reject the idea of being an official couple as some greedy part of you wanted to be Mrs Kaminari.

It wasn't long before you were opening the door to Denki stood with a bag still wearing the Toad costume and you still in the Luigi outfit.

"I'm need unclogging. I heard you're the best plumber," Kaminari even cringed at his own words but you just burst out laughing at your handsome blonde man before dragging him into the room, the two of you losing track of time yourselves.

Rushing to get dress, Kaminari in a tuxedo since you were all going full out this evening and you work a long sparkly gold fitted gown that clung to all your curves. As you walked out, your man's jaw dropped, hearts forming in his eyes at how amazing you looked.

"Wow!" it left his words without him meaning to, but it made you blush like crazy.

"Wow, yourself," your (e/c) eyes gazed at the handsome form of the man in from of you. Moving with such grace, Kaminari placed an arm around your waist, dipping you as he placed a kiss on your perfectly made-up lips. Instantly, you melted to your man's touch on your body there was no one else you wanted to touch you this way or could even make you feel the way that Denki Kaminari did.

As he lifted you up a smile formed on his face "I have something for you. Turn around and close your eyes," the man's voice was husky and full of mystery. Doing as you are told, you stood there, listening to him rustling around in his bag before you felt his warm hands on your skin, then cold metal of what must be a necklace graze against your eyes.

"Open them," feeling his arms wrap around your waist, as his warm breath is on the top of your head from where he kisses you softly. Opening your eyes you look at the mirror opposite you seeing a stunning diamond necklace. "Do you like it?" Kaminari's voice was nervous but as you turned to embrace him, he knew that you did.

"I love it...thank you. You didn't have to," you look at the man you were madly in love with, and it is growing more each day.

"What? Of course, I did you're my woman. Plus, I can afford this kinda stuff now. I'd give you the moon if I could," Leaning down, placing your flushed cheek in his warm hand the two of you kissed lovingly before you remember that you'd needed to leave like now.

"I wish we could just stay like this a little longer, but it would be bad if we're the last ones." giggling the man holding you chuckled.

"Yeh. I saw how crazy Bakugou was looking earlier for not being allowed to crash into Midoriya," his words made you both laugh as you left your hotel room together. Getting to the lobby just in time, clearly being the last to arrive everyone looked on with curious eyes.

"What fuckin' time do you call this, idiots?" Bakugou pissed that he'd had to organise people into what groups they'd be sat with.

"I call it passing on the book. Does everyone know which car they're in let's go," quickly you grab Kaminari's hand dragging him to the limo that would have the bridal party in. No one commented on it, just getting to the cars as ordered to. Mostly as they didn't want Bakugou to blow a fuse at them, although they knew after a few drinks and the day coming to an end he would relax.

As the limos drove, you all chatted about the day and not one person broached the subject of the two of you. Although, Mina did glance at your necklace and her eyes sparkled.

"Ekk girl where did you get that from? It is expensive looking?" She sparkled making you lovingly graze your finger across the precious stones.

"It's little rich bitch...most her shit is more than any of us, even if we are rich and famous now," Bakugou scoffed, but you just put your free hand on Kaminari's as you continued to rub your finger on it. Everyone noticed it in the car, that you had a different look in your eyes than normally and Kaminari was blushing like crazy.

"It beautiful isn't it...It's my most treasured thing in the world," purring the worlds it stunned everyone in the car that Camie that was about to bring up your relationship with frozen to the spot as the limo's arrived at your destination. 

****Thank you for reading!****

***Stay tuned more is coming your way hehehe how will this night out end? ****

I do, Pikachu! Kaminari Ending to Kinky Little Rich GirlWhere stories live. Discover now