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Throughout the day Kaminari was texting you like crazy, making you smile before you realise it's gone 10 pm. "Fuck" you moan as you grab your stuff leaving the office exhausted. Jumping in the car you start the journey home, eventually getting there at nearly midnight. Usually, it wasn't a problem, but you felt bad since you had guest, plus you were starving.

Going into the kitchen, instantly opening the fridge to grab a late-night snack before hitting the hay. What caught your attention is a plate with a note that says 'Angel' making you smile like a lovesick teenager for a second and it only getting worst when you read the contents.

'To my Angel, not you Bakugou if you find this note.

I'm still super sorry and I was going to cook you something after they all went to bed at 10 pm but you still weren't home. I made you a special Pika Sandwich of cheese and pickle since you had it, I assumed you like it. Must be an English thing, not a fan.

Eat that and then I snuck into your room to keep your bed warm, but it's so big that you may not be able to find me. I missed you today and did I mention I was super sorry.

Love your Dickhead Pikachu xxx'

Beaming you put the note in your handbag, quickly eating your sandwich then going upstairs. Opening the door, you see the mess of blonde hair on a pillow and the soft snores coming from him. Walking over you took a picture at how cute he looked.

"Little creepy...I'll call you Mineta" Kaminari mumbled opening a golden eye.

"You're more like Mineta," you smirk in retaliation.

"Hmm whatever, just get in bed already" he groaned as you laugh quietly.

"Ok...I'll be one mo," you smile as he snuggles back into the duvet.

Going in the bathroom you prepare for bed, then walking back into and stripping off. Climbing in what he has declared is your side by sleeping on the other, you crawl into his open arms.

"Good day at the office darling?" Kaminari chuckles sleepily, wanting to spend as many hours as he could awake with you, but still exhausted.

"Hmmm better now though" leaning up you kiss his waiting lips, before snuggling into his chest.

"Best part of the day," he mumbles against your hair.

"It is, now go to sleep...you have to be in your own by 6 am," reminding the disappointed guy as you set an alarm.

"Meanie" he pouts as you giggle flicking his nose.

"Yep gotta problem with it?" kissing his chest softly you'd won this battle.

"None whatsoever" he sighs in pure comfort pulling you in closer, both of you drift off to sleep.

6 am the alarm goes off, Kaminari kisses your head before switching it off. It surprised him that you didn't wake up this time, but he didn't want to push his luck by pretending to have not heard the alarm either.

Clearly needing the sleep as you only woke up to a movement on the bed.

"Fuck off, whoever it is!" groaning sleepily before pulling the blanket over your head.

"Aww but we brought breakfast, bae," Mina giggled as you peered with only the top of your head and eyes visible.

"I will murder you all" grumbling before rolling over into a burrito in the duvet.

"Don't make us jump on you" Kirishima laughed heartily.

"Camie is still dying for you to lick her cunt" Bakugou snorted, making you very aware that they had clearly all been up a while.

I do, Pikachu! Kaminari Ending to Kinky Little Rich GirlWhere stories live. Discover now