Fourteen || You're Bluffing

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"Go fish" Grayson says.

I groan and take a card out of the pile, picking up a four of diamonds.

I have an odd feeling that the little twat sitting in front of me is cheating. You see Grayson Dalton doesn't 'play cards'; well not by the rules. He has never lost a game in his life. There is a reason for that.

"Do you have a four of spades?" he asks. I look down at my cards, I glance over the and see one four of spades sitting right there. I shake my head, " No, go fish" I say, keeping my voice to a minium.

He scoffs, "Your bluffing. I know you. Cheater" he says, setting his cards on the coffee table in front of us.

"What? No..." I defend myself. He laughs and reach out to my cheeks and pinches them roughly between his fingers.

"Awe, look at you Vena. You think your a good enough liar to pass me" he lets go. I rub my cheeks and glare at him.

"Ass" I mumble.

He laughs loudly.

Suddenly I feel the pressence of my roommate. Don't ask me how I know, you just know when the most abnoxious, irritating person is in the room.

James clears his throat and I turn and look at him, knowing he's trying to get my attention.

"What's your deal, dude?" I ask smoothly.

His mouth turns into a forced, tight smile. He turns and looks at Grayson, who looks a bit uncomfortable.

"Sorry to ruin your--", he looks at the coffee table, "--game" he looks back at me, "But I need to make supper. Grayson would you like to stay?" he says like it was the one thing he was absolutely dreading.

I stiffle a chuckle at his pain. "Mm. I suppose so" Grayson replies, smirking at James.

I notice James's hand clench into a fist, "I swear to god, Grayson" he threatens.

"You'll what?" he pushes his further.

James steps closer to Grayson, standing above his sitting figure. "I think you know exactly what I will do" he says.

What is that supposed to mean? What did Grayson do to get at James so bad? Grayson had never told me anything about the conflict between him and James.

Grayson looks away from James and looks at me.

Pain, desperation and defeat shows in his eyes.

I hadn't noticed that James had gone off to the kitchen to start dinner. The banging of pans, pots and shuffling around the kitchen shows that he is trying to work fast.

"What is your problem?" I ask Grayson. He looks at me with a bit of sadness. "What are you hiding from me?" I push further.

He lets out a exasperated sigh, "I'm sorry, Vena" he stands up and walks out the door before I can say anything.

I stare at the door at the door in shock for a moment. I hesitatly stand up and walk into the kitchen. I sit down on the bar stool and watch as James stirs something on the stove top.

"Darling, would you stop staring at me?" he asks, not looking away from the stove.

"How did you--"

"There's a mirror" he nods to the mirror behind the stove. I sigh and pull out my phone and check my messages.

One Unread Message

I click it.

Hey Ven, Wanna go for coffee tomorrow?

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