Radish Notice!

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Radish. Some people were wondering what it is, so I thought that I would explain it once. I am a Radish writer now and I would love if you guys would be a part of it too. 

Radish is a writing and reading platform made for authors so they can get paid for their work. Readers pay for coins for chapters through google play and Apple store (in-app purchase) and then with what the reader paid, after apple gets their cut, 50 goes the company 'Radish' and the other fifty goes the author. So there are three story types.

1.) Where the story is completely free and the author gets nothing out of it except fans.

2.) Then there is the one where the first three chapters are free and then the reader has to start paying for it and then there is where you have to pay for it all.

3.) Where the first three chapters are free and the rest you have to pay for with coins.

It's good because a good portion of the money is going back to author so they can make a living off of what they do. It's a great organization and I have recently become a Radish writer. This is all very exciting for me and I hope you can be a part of it as well. This happened to me just a few days ago and I so excited to get it up and running. If you need help making an account or something, just me know.

Thank you all.  


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