Twenty One || This Is Going To Be A Long Night

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"What are we going to do now, Vena?" He runs a hand through this short hair.

I raise an eyebrow at him, "What are you talking about?".

"I'm talking about your brother. What is going to happen now that he knows. We made a plan so this wouldn't happen, but if course we didn't think about him just coming into my room randomly. I mean what if he-"

I place my hand over his mouth, "Stop talking and listen to me" I rice my hand.

He folds his arms across his chest and looks at me, giving me his undivided attention.

"Okay. Now that you have shut your trap I will tell you", I say, "Now my brother is a loyal guy and I'm sure you know that. He promised he wouldn't tell and I know he won't."

"Yeah but-" he steps closer.

"No buts. That is it, but I do believe that you have some paying up to do" I hold my hand out.

"But I didn't..." he trails off.

"Oh yes you did" I smirk, "You got to pay up".

He places his hands on my shoulders, "Vena, you know I can't afford it" he mumbles.

"Don't you have a savings account? Use the money from that" I say.

He rolls his eyes, "That is if I need it for an emergency".

"You know what? I'm going to make you a deal" I steps away from him.

"I will let you have a pass, if you let me have one"

His eyes bulge out of his head, not literally of course.

"What! Who did you tell?!" He demands.

I shrug, "Nobody, I just want to have a pass in case, you know, it slips" he slides hand in my pockets.

He sighs and nods, "Fine" he says.
"But that doesn't mean you can just go around telling everyone you want to".

I roll my eyes, "You seriously think that I want people knowing that I sleep in the same bed as you, because I don't" I leave my room, letting James stand there with a glare on his face.

I stride into the living room when suddenly I bump into someone.

"Vena, you ought to be watching where your going" Grant smirks me.

I cross my arms across my chest, "Everyone went home an hour ago, why are you still here?" I ask.

"Mm. Because I can" he crosses his arms.

"Oh we will just see about that..." I mumble, "JAMES!" I yell.

He hobbled around the corner, a plain expression on his face.

"What now?" He rubs his eyes.

"Grant won't go home"

James looks at him and shrugs, "Who cares" he turns to leave.

"I care! Grant get out!" I push his muscular body to the door.

"But he doesn't care!" He tries to resist.

"But I do so get out" I open the door and shove him out.

"But Vena..." he whines.

"No. Go home" I order and shut the door.

"Aw. Why'd you do that's?" James lounges on the couch.

I plop down on the couch, "Because he is constantly over here and between him and school, it has been pretty tough" I groan.

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