Forty Four || All Is Almost Forgotten

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Hi guys, I'm finally here with an update. Please, if you see any errors at all just comment and let me know. I want this to be perfect and I figured if I spent any more time on this, someone might hunt me down.



I know that it may seem really weird that I just upped and went to my mother's house right out of the blue, but I really just need to get away. I need to go back to a place where things don't have to be so complicated. Just myself, my family and Grayson. Funny enough, Grayson has always been a part of my family. Of course half of my actual family is at work, so really it's only a portion of my family.

I decided to stay the night last night, then go home in the morning. Ever since I went away for school, I never seem to talk to my mother as often. I mean, I even missed Thanksgiving thanks to NYC's snowy weather. The roads just weren't safe.

"Promise me that you will call more often," my mother makes me promise, holding me in her embrace.

I hug back, "I promise I will," I assure, not letting go of her small body. I would say that I am average height, but she is considered shorter than average.

Christmas break is coming so much sooner than I anticipated. I'll come back and see the rest of my family. Maybe if James isn't still being a dick, then he could actually meet my family, all together.

"Grayson, come on. We've got to get going," I yell, my eyes looking for him.

He rounds the corner from the kitchen. Of course. That boy really does love food. Hugging my mom, he says, "Make sure to make a lot of cookies for Christmas break and I will be sure to drop by."

My mom chuckles, "Of course, dear. It's always a pleasure to see you and Vena," she smiles at the both of us.

"Well, we really should be going," I announce, slipping on my shoes and sliding my coat over my back.

She nods, "Yes, talk to you soon, Ven. Make sure to stay warm, you two," My mother tells me as I open the door.

"Okay we will, I promise I'll call you soon," I vow to her. I really do need to call her more. Especially after this last visit. I owe that much to her.

"Bye, Sweetheart," she smiles as I shut the door.

"I really do love your mom's cookies," Grayson tells me as we walk down the sidewalk. It seems that the only reason why he agrees to go places with me is for the food.

"I know you do, Grayson," I sigh. Typical Grayson.



Grayson pulls his car into his parking spot and turns it off.

"You'll be just fine," he reassures me, looking at me.

I mean, I know that already, but that doesn't mean that I want to do this. "I know," I answer in more of a whisper.

I get out, shutting the door behind me.

He walks around the vehicle and hugs me. "Maybe we can get everyone together real soon," he tells me. I hold on to him for a moment too long.

"Vena?" he asks, "Are you okay?"

I let go of him and nod, "Yeah, I'll be fine" I reassure him.

He nods and pats me on the back, "You'll be alright."

I walk up the stairs into the large building. Once I get inside the security nods to me and I give him a tight smile. I press the button to the elevator, waiting.

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