Twenty Seven || Once a Player always a Player

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I was letting him get to me again.

I was letting him fiddle with my feelings

His lips burn fire down my neck. They were on my collarbone when his breath moved across my skin.

"Vena. Please" he pulls away from me and looks at me. "I need to know how you feel about me. I can't keep on holding back" he desperately said.

"I- um..." I trail off.

He shakes his head, "Vena, you know you're killing me right?" he gets off of me.

I sit up and look at him.

"I am trying so hard to make you fall for me and it one of the most difficult things I have ever done in my life" he runs his hand through is hair.

I can't deal with this kind of pressure right now. It was going to kill me.

So what I did was just walk away. I got up and left the bedroom, not a word said. He didn't stop me either.

I walk down the stairs and see Grant, Grayson and Leah sitting on the couch.

I flop down beside Grant, seeing how Leah was pretty close to Grayson; like thighs touching. Yeah. That close.

"What's wrong?" Grant asks.

I glance at him, "Ask your best friend" I mumble.

He chuckles, "He lay some new news on you?" he smiles.

I shake my head. "No Grant".

He shrugs and keeps on watching TV.

I stand up and throw on my coat, "I'm going for a walk" I announce.

Grayson stands up, "Is it okay if I join you?" he asks.

I nod, "Yeah. Grab your coat. I'll be waiting outside" I mumble and step outside.

I take in my surroundings. It was absolutely beautiful. There was so many trees. It smelled wonderful.

Moments later Grayson steps outside and grabs my hand, lacing his fingers with mine.

I loved how Grayson was so caring towards me.

"Tell me what's wrong" he leads me off the deck to the path ahead off us.

"Where do I begin?" I look up at the fall sky.
"I can talk to him" he says as soon as I tell him everything; everything except for our deal.

I shake my head, "No, don't" I plead, "I don't want him to get mad at anyone" I glance up at his face.

He runs his free hand through his hair, "I want to help you, Vena. I am your best friend. It is my job to keep you happy" he takes my other hand so that he is standing in front of me.

"Let me do this for you. You do so much for me and now it's time I returned the favour" he looks into my eyes.

Throughout all the years that I had been friends with Grayson (Which was a very long time) I had noticed that his eyes changed to a bright baby blue when he was cold.

I groan, "Fine" I give in.

He smiles brightly, "Good", he lets go of my hand and we walk side by side, swinging our interlocked hands.

"Now let me get this straight; you think you have feelings for him, but you don't want to get close to him because you're roommates?" he asks.

I nod, "What am I going to do, Grayson? I have to sleep in the same bed as him for a week" I groan.

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