Eight || Oh God, Not Her

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How is this even possible? James was not even supossed go to college. He even said it himself. But of course he had to come to the college I am going to.

"Well I am going out, the food is on the counter" he replies, smirking.

"Why are you here?" I ask suddenly as he grabs his coat out of the closet.

"What do you mean- like at this college?" He replies.

I nod, " You weren't supossed to go to college, especially this college" I say.

"You see Vena, my additude has changed since senior year. I am here because I want to have a future".

He walks to me, "And I hope that isn't a problem for you" he slightly glares at me.

I roll my eyes and he walks out of the flat and I lock the door behind him. What an asshole.

I glance at the food at on the counter. I wonder why he left so suddenly and why he had to make that rude remark. Maybe he isn't as nice as I thought.

I stand on my tippy toes to grab a plate, but I still can't reach. Shit.

I get up on the counters and stand on them, I open the the door and reach to grab a plate when suddenly the door comes swinging open and walks in James, looking furious. Great...

"That fucking bitch" He mumbled. I shake my head. Well I guess that is not going to be the last of me hearing him cuss.

"Who" I ask curiosly.

"Nobody of your concern" He mumbled.

I roll my eyes"I thought you were going out" I ask, "I was and then I came back. Can you please stop with the questions. I'm really not in the mood " He replied tiredly.

"Okay, well would you care to join me for dinner?" I ask. I still standing on the counter. He nods. I grab the plates and get down off the counters.

I put some of the chicken James had made and put it on my plate.
James has a frown on his face as he eats. He dosen't look good with a frown. James sat across from and dug into his chicken.

"Do you want to watch a movie tonight since we don't got anything better to do" He looks up at me.

"Hey! what makes you think I don't have plans?" I snap.

"Well do you?" He sets his fork down.

"No" I mumble.

"That's what I thought" He says, picking up his fork again.


"James just pick a movie, you don't need to go through all of Netflix" I state.

"Oh shut up and just wait a second. I am looking for an specific one" He states. I grunt in frustration. After a out five more minutes of looking for an movie he finally finds one.

"Not Iron Man" I plead, "I hate this movie, I have seen it way too many times" I state.

"Too bad, I want to watch it" He says pressing play.

Then it hits me.

I will just play on my phone instead of having to watch this. I pull it out and turn it on, but is suddenly ripped right out of my fingers. I turn to see a smirk spread across James's lips.

"Hasn't anyone told you that it is rude to go on your phone a movie" He asks innocently, while holding my phone .

I cross my arms over my chest and slouch down and turn my attention to the TV. James gets up with my phone and goes to the kitchen.

I want to scream at him but then someone would complain about us being too loud. I sit right up and exhale loudly. After a few minutes of sitting in front of the boring TV screen James walks in with an plate in his hands.

He just ate, how can he be hungry

I don't even ask because I know I am going to get some smart remark if I do. James sits down next to me, closer than he was before.
Has he ever heard of personal space before? Probably not.

After 45 more minutes of this horrible and boring movie I feel my eyelids getting heavy, I close them and slowly drift off. The last thing I remeber was my head falling on James's shoulder, I would have leaned the other way but I was way too far off.


816 words. Published on Thursday , December 4th, 2014 at 5:55 PM

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