Five || Where are we gonna eat?

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"Vena, we are leaving in ten minutes" I hear James yell to me.

"Okay!" I yell back, shutting my laptop shut.

I really don't get how he thinks this is his apartment, I mean I guess it is somewhat his too, but not really. He has only lived here for like 8 hours and he acts like he has lived here for as long as I have which he hasn't but he sure acts like it.

I pick my laptop up off the bed and set it on my desk. I didn't really want to go out for lunch with James, but I didn't want to say no because I really didn't feel like starting a roommates war, because I knew that those could get pretty hectic according to Sage.

Sage says that having a roommate is utter hell because if you do something or don't do something that one room mate dosen't like then that could start a war and according to Sage a war has already been started between her room mate and herself. Her telling me this made me not want a room mate that much more and now that I have one it makes me very conscious to things I say or do around James.

Sage is one of my friends who I went to high school with just a few months ago. She and I did not plan on going to the same college together, I mean we are friends but we are not close friends like my best friend, Grayson.

I hadn't known she was going to the same college that I was until only two days ago when we bumped into each other at the coffee shop. Sage and I sat down together for a few minutes to catch up a bit. I hope that we can become better friends this year.

I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in" I say.

I see as a tall muscular figure walks through the door, " Are you ready" James asks.

"Yeah, how long do you think we will be?" I ask.

"Why? You got a place to be" He says, his eyes wonder my room.

"No, it's just that-" I start.

"Is this a Mac" He asks pointing to my laptop. I nod. He walks over to it and picks it up. I swear to god I will kill him with my bare hands if he drops it.

"You act like you have never seen one in your whole lifetime" I say.

"Oh, I have. I have one in my room. I just haven't seen one in such good condition" He says stunned, " How long have you had this one?" He asks me like I have owned more than one.

"Two years" I answer.

"Wow, this is in good condition, I mean you must use it alot because the letters on the key board are starting to disappear" He says.

"Yeah, well I write alot" I say, I take a minute to process what I just say. Did I just let out my biggest secret? Oh shit, I did.

"You write, like stories?" He asks. I hesitantly nod.

"Cool" He replies.

I don't like telling people about how I write because then they will try to get me published, don't get me wrong; being published would be awesome, but the idea of people knowing it's me writing stories freaks me out. I write all my thoughts and emotions in those stories, if anyone read those stories and knew it was me, I would probably have an emotional breakdown.

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