Forty Eight || Trust me V.A.

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Vena's point of view

I pop another Advil in my mouth and flush it down with my bottled water. My headaches were coming back and I most definitely deal with those right now. I have about twenty minutes left of this lecture and, let me tell me something:

I don't think that I have ever sat through something so boring in my life.

It wasn't like I was paying much attention anyway, James was on my mind and what he told me. I know he's has a lot of stressful shit going on, but I don't think that the fact of it all makes it okay for the way he treated me.

I wish everything could be okay between us, that we could forget about all the problems we've had, but it's not that easy.

My professor is wrapping up is long speech and ends with assigning some reading in the textbook. I stand up and walk out the room. Sitting for three or four hours has made my legs and butt fall asleep, so I have this weird limp going on.

Grayson texted me ten minutes before, telling me he is going to pick me up after class. I hate going to class and just sitting through these lectures, I would much rather be doing something productive than letting my ass fall asleep.

Everyone is starting to get up as soon as our professor dismissed us.

I got another text from Grayson, letting me know that he's here. I gather my stuff and put my bag on my shoulder. I stand up and make my way out the large room.

I suddenly run into something, I look up and see a familiar pair of green eyes. "I didn't know you were in this class, Vena," Zeke smirks at me. Why can't he just leave me alone?

"That's great, Zeke," I say sarcastically. I try to push past him, but he steps to the side, blocking me.

"How about dinner tonight, Vena," he still has that same annoying look on his stupid face.

I cross my arms, "You know that James is my boyfriend, Zeke," I remind the dumbass.

He shrugs, "Whatever, doesn't matter to me," he crosses his arms.

I shake my head, I should have seen that coming. I don't even know why I am still standing here, I don't have to be here.

"Just leave me alone, I hate you," I tell him the flat truth.

He nods slightly, "He's not good for you, Vena."

I scoff at him, "And you are?" I ask him.

He nods.

I laugh at him, "Okay, sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." He's such an idiot, dumbass, stupid, unintelligent, brainless, naive, moronic, and any another word for this thing that stands in front of me.

"Come on, Vena. You know he's controlling and demanding. You don't need that," he tries to reason with me.

I shake my head, "No, he loves me and sure, he fucks up sometimes, but so do I and we forgive each other for it. You are a cheating bastard, who only cares about yourself. You will never be happy if you keep act like this, Zeke. I hate you for what you did to me and that will never change. I fear for the next girl who you'll screw with because she will never see coming, just like I didn't. So leave me alone, forever. You need to leave everyone in my life alone," I rant a little and step beside him and start to walk away.

"I never meant to hurt you, Vena," he tells me to my turned my back.

I snort, "Yes you did, Zeke," I reply to his statement and walk away, not letting him get another word in.

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