Seven || This is Awkward...

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Thank you, BWS

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I wake up on the end of the couch. I glance over my legs to see if James had make dinner yet. Nope. He sleeping in a very awkward position on the other side of the couch.
His leg snaked around my leg and his arm is resting on my thigh. Awkward.

I am trying to figure out how we fell asleep, we were telling each other about ourselves and then that is all I can remember. I must have drifted off when he was telling one his boring stories, but why is he asleep?

James moves his hand from my thigh to my ankle. I really hope he dosen't like me that way because I could never like my roommate. It is just not natural.

I somewhat gently kick him, my foot is literally right against his chest, not bare, thank god for that. I kick harder, he dosen't move. Asshole.

I think of a better way on waking him up, but I know it will piss him off. Maybe that will teach him to not try and sleep with me again.

"JAMES! WAKE UP!! FIRE FIRE" I yell. He jolts awake, his eye lids fly open and he sits up quickly. "Fire where?!" He stutters.

I chuckle. "You bitch! I was in a peaceful sleep before you screamed at me" I shouts at me.

"Two things. One: thank you, I will take that as a compliment and two: you were having a cuddle fest with legs, so I thought I would break it up" I smirk.

Is face turns to a bright red, "I did not, you are lying. I would not do that" He says.

"Well you did, and I am not lying...right now" I trail off.

He shakes his head, "I will believe you when you can prove it" He says.

I shrug, " You got it" I reply.

He stands up and stretches is arms up, I stare as his arms are above him and his shirt lifts a bit, I can see the band of his Calvin Klein boxers. He lets his arms come down and he grabs the back of his white tee shirt and pulls it over his head.

Suddenly I see his hands waving in front of my face, "Anyone home?" He says.

"I must have zoned out" I lie.

I know exactly what happened I got distracted from his perfect body.

"Sure you did. Come on you are going to help me make dinner" he says.

I stand up and walk into the kitchen and sit on one of the bar stools sitting at the island.

"I hope you know that I am not going to be cooking whats so ever" I tell him.

He is looking in the fridge for something, I have no idea what. I hear his laugh, He rounds his back and closes the door.

"Of course you are not cooking, that is part of our agreement" I says setting the milk down on the counter top, "I just enjoy your company" He says.

I shake my head, "I don't know why you would want my company, I am pretty boring" I say.

"I would like to beg to differ, you told me about yourself and you are pretty cool, I think" He says. He turns around and leans on the counter and crosses his muscular arms over his bare chest. I lean on my arms and and whisper to him, "I'm sure" I say sarcastically.

"Well, instead of making this a awkward conversation I will start dinner" He says with cheeky grin showing his bright white teeth. He turns to the counter and gets started. I have no idea what he is going to make but who cares. I am just here to 'accompany' him, whatever that means.

I get up and grab my phone off the coffee table and walk back over to the stool to 'watch' him cook. I scroll down my feed my lock screen and the appears a message from Zeke. Oh god, here we go again.

"Call me" The message reads.

I laugh mentally, that is never going to happen. I wish he would get that through his thick skull; his brainless skull.

"Hey Vena, can I ask you something?" I hear a deep voice speak.

James stands in front of the counter; his back facing me. His bare back for that matter. "Vena, I know you are staring at me" He paused, "And I don't mind" He retorts.

I let out a loud huff and slump down in my chair. How on earth did he know.

He sets down his kitchen utensil...I think that is what it is.

He crosses his arms over his chest and looks at me dead in the eye, "Do you have a boyfriend?" He asks.

"No" I reply. He nods his head hesitantly.

He turns back around to whatever he is burning on the stove.

"What about you? You got a girlfriend" I ask looking down at my phone.

"No, not anymore" He says the last part quieter and with strain in his voice. I want to ask what happened but I don't want to push him over the line.

"Okay, I was just curious" I retort.

"Vena where did you go for high school" He asks. "Johnstone High" I deadpan.

"What? Are you serious? I went to that school. I knew you looked familiar, but I didn't want to say anything" He retorts.

It is all coming back to me.

James Henderson, the popular boy. He dosen't care what anyone thinks and he was gorgeous.

What happened to him?

The James I knew was the biggest asshole I had ever met in my life and he would rather kill himself than associate with me.

He has completely changed, he dosen't even look like his old self. He looks like a nice good looking guy who is ready to attend college.

That is not where the old James Henderson would be right now.


Words: 1024

Updated on: Saturday, November 29, 2014 at 11:10 AM

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