Thirty || Worth The Risk

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"I didn't mean to yell at you and you know I never would" he looks at me intensely, "As for trusting me. You know that I would never do anything to hurt you. I trust you completely and I know deep down that you trust me, Vena" he grabs my hand.

"What have you done to make me trust you. What have you proved?" I furrow my eyebrows.

He shakes his head, "What is with this sudden outburst. Have you been thinking about this lately or something?" He tilts his head a bit.

I shrug, "I guess so. I just don't know how you can trust a person who doesn't trust you" I argued.

James runs his hand through his hair, "Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't want to start some fight between us. I guess I am still mad about my past and bring it up brought up some bad emotions" he looks down.

I sit back in my seat. "Just drive, we need to get back" I tell him.

He shook his head, "No" he takes the keys out of ignition.

"Not until you talk to me. I have had enough of you just dragging me along" he looks at me again with that stern look. "Do you realize how much pain you put me in?" He asks.

"You're just mad" I mumble.

"Yeah, you're right. I am mad. I'm mad at myself because I let my stupid feelings get the better of me" he snaps.

"If this is such a problem for you then why don't you move out?!" I snap.

What he next did surprised the hell out of me. He kissed me with such great force and anger that my head leaned back against the head rest.

He placed his hand on the sides of my face.

He pulls away from me with furrowed eyebrows.

"You know that I can't do that" he whispers.

I sigh and lean back in my seat. "I know" I grumble.

This was the third time that James kissed me, well except when I kissed him.

He started the car and back up and pulled back onto the road.


We were now in the grocery store and James was taking forever to decide what he wanted.

I grabbed his hand as he was looking and he looked back at me and shrugged.

I had some weird feeling that he was mad at me.

I glanced down the aisle and then back at James, but I took a double take.

I pull at James's coat. He looks at me with an irritated look, "Can't you see that I was trying to make a life decision right now?" He snaps.

I roll my eyes and nod down about ten feet from us.

"Why the hell is he here?" He asks.

I shrug, "I don't know. The idiot must have gotten lost" I grumble.

He groans, "Do you just want to go the other way" he nods behind us.

I quick shake my head, "No! I'm going to take advantage of this" I tell him.

He raises an eyebrow at me, "What are you talking about?".

I smile, "Follow my lead" I tell him.

He groans and nods anyways.

I pull on his hand, "Babe, you're so slow" I groan.

He smiles and nods, "Hold your horses" he laughs.

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