Thirteen || The Agreement

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*Think before you post a comment or send a message, because even though you can't see me, doesn't mean that what you say won't hurt me.*


I wake up on the couch, a arm slung over my hip. I look behind me and see Grayson sleeping there, peacefully. He must be squishing against the back of the couch, because I have tons of room.

I feel his arm move up to my stomach, holding on tight. I glance out the big window in the living room. It's still pitch dark outside. I glance at the clock hanging on the wall. 4:12 AM

I slowly sit up and Grayson flinches, jolting awake. He looks at me with a worried look. I push gently on his bare chest and he lies back down, placing his hand on the small on my back. "Do you want me to go home?" he asks.

I shake my head, "No, sleep here, I'm just going to go sleep in my bed," I state, standing up.

I walk over to the cabinet and grab a blanket and bring it back to Grayson. I unfold it and put it on top of him. He motions me to come and I do.

I trust him.
I don't think for a second that he would do anything to hurt me.

I lean down in front of him and he cups my cheek. He leans in and gently places a kiss on my cheek. He's done this before, I wasn't worrying that it was some sort of new behaviour. This had always been his way of thanking me.

He lets his hand fall from my cheek. "Thank you, Vena, for everything," he smiles sweetly at me.

"Anything for my best friend" I reply, straightening out my back.

He nods and watches me as I leave the room, I turn off the kitchen light as I pass. I walk into my room and I see a body lying within my blankets. I walk over and punch James's shoulder, hard.

"What the fu-" he starts, but I stop him.

"Get out, now!" I snap in a hushed tone.

He smirks widely, "and if I don't?," He raises an eyebrow.

I stare at him for moment to see if maybe he will just disappear, but when I know he won't I do something I thought I would never do. I rip the covers from his body, exposing his and bare chest and sweat pant covered legs.

I climb on top of the bed and brace myself between the wall and James back kick him off the bed. He lands on top of the blankets, giving him a soft landing. He grunts and gets up and gives me a sarcastic wave before leaving my room, shutting the door behind him. Thank god that is over.

I grab my blanket from my floor and put them on my bed, I climb back into to bed and let sleep take over my body.


I hear loud beeping. My head has a pounding headache, as if someone had hit me with a hammer in my sleep last night. I slowly sit up and turn off my alarm clock.

I look around my room and see the the sun rising through the window. I push the comforter from my body and stand up, stretching my arms up. I walk out my room and enter the hallway.

I see Grayson sleeping there peacefully, his hair ruffled.

I walk over to the couch and sit down by his feet. I slip my hand under the blanket and wrap my hand around his ankle and pull it closer to me. I move my fingers against the bottom of his foot. He pulls back immediately.

"That is just rude" He sits up on his elbows.

I roll my eyes and stand up.

"You got to get home and get changed and then come back here," I state, leaving the room.

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