Fifteen || All In Good Time James

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"Dammit" I mutter.

James and Grant turn and look at me. James takes a step away from Grant and towards me. "What seems to be the problem, Darling?" he asks smugishly.

I take step away, raising my hands up cationsly. "This can't be happening" I pause, "I'll be waiting in your car" I say and turn around and walk fast to the parking lot.

I didn't hear James say no, just the rattling of his keys as he unlocks his car.

Once I reach his car I get in the passenger seat and buckle my seartbelt. I let out a breath of air I didn't realize I was holding.

I don't think I can deal with another obnoxious college boy.

It was close to 15 minutes before James came walking back to his car. There was a bright smile prastered across his face, but as he got closer it was beginning to look like it was forming into smirk.

He opened his door and got in and started his car, it let out a small growl. As the ride back to home went on James hadn't said a word, but that same devious smirk was still spead on his face.

He better stop before he gets cramps. As soon as James pulled into the apartment parking lot and turned off the engine I hand unbuckled my seatbelt and got out, striding up up the steps to the building.

I stopped when I put my hand on the doorhandle. I looked at myself in the reflection of the door. I saw myself, but I also saw two other people striding towards me in the backround. One had dark blonde styled hair, wearing a pair of black Raybands I had once reconizes earlier today. Beside him was a dark blonde styled hair, wearing a pair of black Raybans, also. I knew those boys, but I sure as hell wish I hadn't.

I quickly opened the door and pretty much ran up the stairs. Once I reach the door, I dugged into my bag and grabbed my keys. I unlocked the door and went inside, kicking the door shut. I slid off my Toms and went into my room, locking the door behind me.

I spent a lot of time in my because of James. I didn't know how James was around his friends and I certainly didn't want to find out. As soon as I sat down of my bed I heard the door shut. I knew what this meant.

I heard loud laughing for awhile, not catching quite what they were saying inbetween. I heard footsteps coming closer to my door.

I was hoping that maybe they would think that I had just jumped out the window, but they didn't.

There was a loud knock that didn't match the way James knocked. James knocked three times and if I still didn't answer he would do that again until I did.

The person knocking this time had carefree way of doing it. "Oh Vena, there is someone at the door for you" I hear Grant say.

I dreaded this moment the moment I knew Grant was coming over. I groan and stand up and reach for the handle, but quicky pull away.

What is they are just doing this to get me out of my room-- Wait, no, scratch that. This is my apartment, I will go where ever I damn well please.

I open the door with much force and glance at Grant. He had a pretty shocked expression, probably because I actually came out of my room. I walk around the hallway and into the living room. I see James and glances up at me and then back down at his phone, but then his eye shoot up to mine in shock.

He tosses his phone on the couch and stands up.

"Did that whole 'there's someone at the door for you' actually work!?" he asks bewildered. I nod slightly.

I think I saw his jaw slightly drop, but I wasn't completely sure.

"Take notes, jolly ole James. It'll do you well" Grant's voice says from behind me. I don't bother looking behind me until feel a pair of hands resting on my shoulders.

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